A Family Destiny

Audio Version of Blog:


It was great to be home and minister at my ALife family yesterday. It is a blessing to be a part of a community of people who love God, love each other, and are willing to go the distance through the testings of life for the sake of fulfilling their calling, inheritance, and destiny as a written letter of Christ. It was good to see old faces and some new one’s as well. I believe this is a new season of God’s manifest presence as we become a further testimony of what God is writing by His Holy Spirit in our midst.

Family is God’s way of filling the earth with His glory. It is not just about family naturally, but the spiritual family of God as an expression of His heavenly community upon the earth. There are various roles in family and various levels of covenant. A husband and wife are the testimony of the headship of family and is the highest level of covenant in the earth. Husbands and wives become fathers and mothers and they live for the glory of children and children’s children. Covenant partners bear the fruit of covenant to the successive generations of family. In a family each member supplies life to one another. They are committed to one another in doing their share for the life of the family name and testimony of the family community. 

Ephesians 4:14 …that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

We are members of one another, fulfilling the needs of others. We live for the well-being of one another and for the glory of God in all things. As a community of Christ, we support and value the function of one another. The family of God includes, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, and other expressions of community. It is a place of divine calling and placement for a God-ordained purpose in the earth.

Family is the foundation of love. God is love. It is not just something He does. He is the essence of love. Since God is love, for us to be empowered to love one another we need a revelation of God’s love in our lives. Love is a revelation, not a command. It is something that comes by divine revelation of God’s goodness in our own lives. When we know how much God loves us, we are empowered from within to love one another. As community expressions of Christ’s calling, inheritance, and purpose we must discover the grace for becoming all that God has in mind for us as His family in the earth. That grace is embraced by love, an environment where faith can be found to enter into the grace that creates true family as a mystery of God’s grace working among us. Love is not merely an emotion or an action we demonstrate towards one another, it is the substance of our commitment to the family, its calling, its inheritance, and its destiny in all things.

We live for the Father and the future generations. It is in our thinking and the way we do things. Family is more important than ministry, it is the very reason that we do minister. God has not called us to some spiritual ministry, He has called us to be expressions of His family in the earth. The apostle Paul understood this principle when he wrote to the church of Corinth and reminded them of the important things for them as a spiritual letter and a testimony of Christ’s community in the earth.

1 Corinthians 4:14 I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. 15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you, imitate me. 17 For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church.

Paul saw himself as a spiritual father to the community and he reminded them that the greatest calling was that of relationship and not ministry. Timothy was a spiritual son of Paul and it was not for some spiritual gift and anointing of ministry that Paul sent him to the church of Corinth. Timothy was a spiritual son to Paul, and he carried the testimony of the message given to Paul in increasing the character, nature, way, power, and authority of the family inheritance in and through those within Paul’s measure of rule. We are each part of something bigger than one individual. We are part of a family calling, a family inheritance, and a family purpose.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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The Family Mandate

Audio Version of Blog:


I just finished a great week in Bulgaria. I was blessed to minister life in three different cities with my church family in Bulgaria. The life of God is growing in the family of God in Bulgaria. Many of the single men and women are finding joint destinies as couples for the glory of God. Men and women of God are becoming increasing testimonies of God’s grace and truth in this nation as in the nations of the world! The family of God is being seen as a testimony of life as families are being birthed and expanded in the community of Christ.

Family includes identity, inheritance, and destiny. Why is family so important to God? God is Father, God is Spirit, and God is Son. His triune being is reflected in the testimony of a perfect family. We come from various experiences of family, but God’s family includes the elements of a dad, a mom, and the expression of those two together in the offspring of both made one. This is the fruit of a man and woman being one flesh. Mankind was created in the likeness and the image of God. Family is God’s way of revealing His likeness and image in the world. This is why the enemy has fashioned weapons against the family. Family is the way of fulfilling the mandate given to mankind. When family lacks these realities His supernatural love and power has to make a way for these principles to be true. We need God’s way to find God’s perfect path for family in the earth.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Fruitfulness comes from blessing.  We are God’s blessing in the earth. God is life and we are a source of His life to the world we live in. Fruit is a source of life to another. It makes someone beyond the tree come alive. Fruit is not life to the tree; it is life from the tree. It provides food for others and seed for more fruit-producing trees.

Multiplication comes from fruitfulness. Whatever is fruitful, multiplies. We are not adding others to our cause; we are activating others into the cause of Christ. When we multiply, we greatly increase the value and potential of another. When we add to our lives, we simply try to create a greater value for ourselves. The way of family is a way of multiplication, not addition. A father and a mother live for the next generation. A family lives to become a family of families. This is the way of multiplication.

To fill is to fully complete something. In the kingdom of God our fullness leads to the inheritance of others. The places of inheritance (gates) in the earth are meant to be the possession of our children and our children’s children. When we fill, we create ceilings that becomes floors for the next generation. The glory of God is meant to grow in our successive generations in the earth. The present is attached to the past and the future is connected to today. This is the testimony of inheritance and the power of creative thinking that grows from the foundations of the past into the realities of the future.

To subdue is to conquer with the power of life. It is a place of the influence of life. Subduing is the testimony of the full power of God’s grace at work in the earth. God’s family is the place where God’s grace abounds in the earth. Grace is the manifest presence of God working in and through our lives. The spirit of every family should be connected to the Spirit of God in every family. By this the power of life will increase in the destiny of the family name.

Dominion is the manifestation of truth. Truth crumbles every lie. Truth is not just the written word; it is the word becoming flesh. We are each meant to become unique expressions of God’s life in the earth. We are not our dads or our moms. We are each further expressions of the family destiny. Together we express the power of the unity of the family name. Unity is seen through diversity where everyone becomes who they are meant to be. When this happens the fullness of life is established as truth crumbles every lie.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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God’s Way Is Family

NEW: Audio Version


I just finished a great weekend in the Netherlands with Bob Nichols and David Fredriksz. We ministered at a family retreat with a church here that is part of the RIM network. God did some wonderful things and people’s lives were impacted and changed by the power of and the love of God. Thank you, God for all you did these past few days. It was a family retreat with all of the dynamics of family. There were fathers, mothers, lots of children, single people, men and women who were young and old. Our topic was being a family of families. What does it mean to be the family of God? What are the key ingredients to becoming the family of God? What is the fabric of being a family?

Family is about relationships, not ministry. When a man and a woman enter into the intimate covenant of marriage, the fruit of their love for one another is the testimony of being a family. God’s way of things is family. Husbands and wives are anointed to give life to one another and as dads and moms, they are anointed to minister life to their children. Who they are determines the testimony of their ministry. They are not called to some ministry or task of spiritual service. They are called to minister to those in their family. This is spiritual in all of its dynamics and spiritual in all of its ways.  They are commissioned and sent by God for this purpose. God desires healthy families that express who He is in the earth, even as it is in heaven. God’s way of things is family. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His very being is the nature of the source of identity, inheritance, and purpose in all things. This is who He is as the Father. He is the source of all things! He is the means by which we are born and born again. This is God as the Holy Spirit. Like a Mother, the Holy Spirit broods over and births all things. He is a comforter and comes alongside of us to help us in knowing who God is. God is the expression of identity, inheritance, and purpose made known to the world. This is God as the Son. The Son is the Word, or the expression of God in all things. He is the source, the means to bring life to birth from the source, and He is the expression of the source in all things. In this, God is relational. He is a Trinity.

The dynamic of the Trinity is the dynamic of plurality. Plurality is the diverse nature of that which is masculine, that which is feminine, and the testimony of the two made one is seen in the nature of God. These are the foundational ingredients of family. God is not God without the attributes of giving and receiving. Relationship is not something He does; it is something He is. Therefore, everything He does is relational. Submission is part of the nature of God. Relationship is the nature of God. Life-giving has to also be life-receiving in its nature. This is the fabric of family.

When God created mankind, He created them in His likeness and His image. That likeness and image was one of family. He created a man and a woman with a mandate to be a family in the earth that would fill the earth with families that fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

These verses reveal that the joining of a man and a woman together is the means by which God commission’s men to fulfill the mandate in the earth. The mandate is not merely a task of purpose, but the fruit of relationship. That mandate is to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and have dominion. The wife is not joined to the husband to fulfill the purposes of the husband. The wife is joined to the husband to fulfill the purposes of God the Father in the earth. The means by which this purpose is fulfilled is through a love of the man and the woman towards God and towards one another. This is the testimony of human kind. This is the testimony of Adam and Eve as the identity, inheritance, and purpose of God in the earth. Family is God’s way of life. The fruit of the love of family is the multiplication of family that produces family.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Measured By Grace


I have just finished a wonderful weekend in Deming, New Mexico. There is a real emergency there. Around 150 migrants are being dropped off in the city each day and the community is having to respond with shelter, food, hygienic needs, and clothing. This is just one small community among many where this is happening. The community is having to respond to a crisis being put upon them daily They are having to make contacts with sponsors throughout the U.S. to put families on buses and airplanes for some connection to stay with. The border patrol is overwhelmed with numbers in the thousands that they cannot process the number of people pouring into the country. Those arriving in Deming are people who have already been screened and have a contact in the U.S. For sure something needs to be done. God bless CitiLife Church and the other churches in the Deming community who are having to respond to this challenge forced upon their community.

I have been addressing the qualities of mercy and grace made available to us all in Christ. As believers in Christ, we have to be led by the Holy Spirit in life, but we know anything we hear or any decision we make is going to begin with mercy so we can find grace. Law always requires a judgment and mercy is the only judgment that can free us from law and lead us to the place where we can find grace. Without mercy, law condemns us. But with God’s mercy, Grace can empower us to overcome all things. Grace does not condone our sin, but it is the power of Christ’s life that transforms our hearts and minds to be as we should be in life. Mercy opens the door to God’s grace and God’s grace is His manifest presence that transforms all things and makes all things new. Paul wrote that we don’ t judge anyone according to the flesh anymore, not even Jesus. We can’t even judge perfect flesh as being the way unto life, even as Jesus was the way unto life in the flesh. We are left with the power of God’s mercy and grace in all things. Only Christ in us is the hope of glory.

2 Corinthians 5:14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

In Christ, all things are new. All things are new and are continually manifesting the power of God’s transformation in the place that is always new. That is the place of God grace. Grace does not measure our lives to judge us, it is the measurement of God’s life that transforms our lives by the power of God’s life. Law measures us and requires mercy, but grace measures us and changes our lives inside and out. Grace empowers us to overcome dysfunctions so our relationships with God and with one another become life-giving. We have often heard it said that everyone deserves to be loved. It is not true, no one deserves to be loved, but God loves us and so our wisdom begins in Him. In the reality of our attitudes and actions we don’t deserve to be loved, but in the reality of our Father’s heart He sees us all as deserving of His love. His measurement of love is supernatural, and it is transforming. It is sometimes confusing to our own understandings of love. We have to trust Him more than we trust what we think love is. We cannot measure His love by our definition of love. We must embrace Him in all that He is and allow His grace to measure our hearts, our minds, and even our physical lives to become as we should be in all things.

God does not measure love by what He gets, but by what can be given, and the fruit of love is life in a generational way. This is why a man and woman constitute the testimony of true covenant.  They are two individuals who do not think alike. Their physical body parts are different. The way they perceive things is different. They are both strong in different ways. They are equal in value, but they have to have a supernatural miracle to become one flesh. It is the ordained nature by God, because when they come together it does not just meet their needs it produces life, even babies. It doesn’t just produce babies; it produces family in a multigenerational way. When the natural way of something cannot produce life, it is only a relationship of what one can get. When a relationship is solely based upon a revelation of deserving love, something is wrong in that foundation. We need to be grateful that we are loved. We need to receive that love, but like Jesus said we need to know the evidence will be life-giving water flowing out of us. We were born to be loved by God, but this is not an entitlement. It is a gift! Covenants based upon a revelation of the gift of the Giver become relationships that produce life in the generations of true family.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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A Day of Grace


Today’s blog is a little late. I have been traveling all day and I am now on my way home after a very successful time in Portugal and Spain. Thank you to all of you who have supported me in my commission of bringing New Covenant life and Grace to the body of Christ given to my commission in Christ. I am now looking forward to a couple of days home.

I have been dealing with the questions of marriage and divorce; part of some tough questions for the church. I have heard some teach on marriage and divorce using the words of Paul to justify their legalistic view of who is qualified to be a leader and who is not. When Paul talked about marriage and divorce in Romans chapter 7, he wasn’t talking about the marriage of a husband and a wife. He was talking about law and grace. He was using the law to compel those who were bound to the legalistic understanding of the law to embrace a relationship with God and the power of His grace. He was using their understanding of divorce, death, and remarriage to inspire them to embrace the covenant of God’s grace being offered to them in Christ.

Romans 7:1 Or do you not know, brethren (for I am speaking to those who know the law), that the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives?   2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is living; but if her husband dies, she is released from the law concerning the husband.    3 So then, if while her husband is living she is joined to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is not an adulteress though she is joined to another man. 4 Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. 5 For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were aroused by the Law, were at work in the members of our body to bear fruit for death. 6 But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.

If you use those verses to teach on marriage you are using Scripture out of context. Paul was talking to people who were bound to the law and he was speaking to them in the language of law. In the language of law, they knew if a wife dies a husband can remarry. Paul’s words to them were not words of bondage, but words for true liberty. Paul was telling them law had been their covenant partner, but law in Christ has been fulfilled. Thus, law has died. Law died and it is time to enter into the liberty of a marriage with grace. If law died and you don’t marry grace you are stuck in a relationship with something that is dead. If you hold on to a covenant relationship with one that is dead, you yourself will be dead to the path of life.

Luke 16:16 “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail.”

In these verses, Jesus reveals the end of the law and prophets for those who embrace the kingdom of God in their hearts. The law and the prophets were until John, but since John the kingdom of God was being preached. People were pressing into it and people of every kingdom can press into it from that time forth. A personal relationship with God from the human heart is being preached. People are pressing into the place of knowing God in their hearts. Before this they could not have it. They had the law they had the prophets, but now something different has come. Jesus said it would be easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for the smallest measure of the law to change. For the believing Jew, heaven was a measure of the law and the earth was a temple society that expressed that law. Their whole lives were built upon being a Torah / Temple society. The word of heaven to them, what administrated their lives, was the law and the prophets. An adherence to the administration of Law and a compliance of living as a Temple society was the testimony of the kingdom of Israel. Jesus said not the tiniest part of that can be changed for those who choose to adhere to it. The law had to die for the believer, so the believer could press into an administration of life and peace in Christ. Jesus went on to say that if a man marries another while his first wife is alive, he commits adultery.

Luke 16:18 “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery.”

The Jews tried to hold on to the Law. They refused to let the law be dead. They refused to embrace a higher law of God’s love in their hearts. Only Christ in them could be the hope of Glory. Jesus was saying that if you hold on to the law and you try to marry grace you will commit adultery. It was true for the Jew first as the kingdom of God came to make the kingdom of Israel a kingdom of their Lord and Christ. It is true for every kingdom thereafter, as the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of their Lord and Christ. We cannot hold on to some form of law as the administration of our lives and some form of grace. These are two different covenants. One controls us, while the other has the power to transform our lives.

Jesus was saying if you hold on to the law and you try to marry grace you will commit adultery. This is what Paul was talking about in Romans, chapter 7. If we try to apply the rules of divorce and remarriage according to the law, we will miss the miracle of an administration of grace.

In a day of grace, we cannot seek to hold on to some form of legalistic law. If we hold on to law, not one little measure of that will change and we ourselves will be judged by that same law.  We can’t have both law and grace as intimate partners for a fruitful life. One brings a judgment that kills and the other brings a judgment of mercy that offers life. How do we deal with divorce, remarriage, people living together, homosexuality, or any other thing that is less than perfection in life? Grace is the only power that can bring liberty and life. That liberty and life is not the liberty of sin, it is the liberty and life that comes by the transforming power of God’s grace.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Grace to Overcome


Today I am in Mijas, Spain for a week of teaching at the G42 Leadership school. I am teaching New Covenant Realities and I am expecting God to do good things in the student’s lives! I had a great time in Portugal last week and weekend. My daughter Joanna and her husband Patrick were with me. When my daughter was 13 years-old she publicly gave me to the nations in a service where God had touched her heart. The next day I was in Portugal, crying for missing my daughter and knowing that my path in Christ meant that there would be days when I would not be with my daughter, though that is where I wanted to be with all my heart. It was great to see my daughter and son-in-law meet people I love. They enjoyed their days experiencing both the country of Portugal and the people. God was good yesterday in the churches we ministered in. It was a good time.

I have been writing regarding tough questions in the church. It is the grace of God that enables us to become all that we should be in life, but God’s grace is also God’s power in our lives to overcome in the midst of imperfect realities in life. Being a believer in Christ doesn’t mean you will never make a mistake. I know many believers who have made mistakes and I know many believers that have suffered the consequences of decisions of others. We all want to grow in the perfection of the Lord, but what happens when things in life come up short of what we deem to be the glory of God? We are on a journey as believers to become what we should be and to experience what we should experience in our lives, our families, and our ministries. In our journey as believers, we sometimes find ourselves in the midst of a failure. Let’s say as an example: as a pastor, your wife leaves you and it wasn’t your fault. Your wife decided to leave you and you were unable to alter her course of decision. Does it disqualify you from being a pastor? It might? It might not? God looks at the heart. We are leading imperfect people into the place of intimacy with the One who perfects us. We are not perfect pastors, but we are following the One who perfects us. If we find ourselves in a difficult place it is our response in that situation that either qualifies us or disqualifies us. If my wife were to divorce me and it was due to her decision and not mine, would that disqualify me from being who I am? If I divorced my wife and it was due to my decision and not hers, would that disqualify her from being who she is? If the innocent party was willing to love, to cover with love, and to receive the other in love; when the relationship failed in divorce would that disqualify the faith-believing partner? For whatever reason, the failure of the marriage now leaves individuals who must now become one. They must become whole to move forward in life. If my wife divorced me, I would have to bless and release her so she could be whole and one. I would also have to become a whole single individual through walking rightly in intimacy with God. If grace empowers the transformation of life that would make a person more qualified to lead people and not less. People are going to make mistakes. People are going to experience things that are going to happen to them. Marriages should not fail, but some will. This is not an excuse for making mistakes, but it is a challenge to walk the path of love, hope, and faith in all things. Only God’s grace can empower us to walk that path.

When a marriage fails, we have to be able to lead people through those difficult situations. When we read the word, we can find the picture-perfect world that God says it should be, but we have to find God’s grace for any world to be or become as it should be. God’s mercy is new every morning for the mistakes of our lives that measure us by the law of what is good and the law of what is evil. Mercy is a available judgment in our lives in the midst of our failures. God’s mercy qualifies us to find God’s grace to be perfected from our imperfections, heal us from our wounds, and empower us with victory in any situation we find ourselves in.

Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


Ted J. Hanson

Please help me reach the nations. With your help tickets can be purchased and a way can be made for us to fulfill our purpose for the generations.

 If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Perfect in the Flesh or Redeemed by Grace?


Today I am back in Portugal. I am with my usual Portuguese family connections, as well as some new ones. On the weekend I was with an Assembly of God church in the Lisbon area. We had a great time experiencing the word and the presence of Holy Spirit together. The body of Christ is one and it is great to cross-pollinate in the way of God’s kingdom. I am looking forward to a few weekends here in Portugal, as well as a week at G42 in Spain doing training on New Covenant Realities.

Today I want to continue with my subject of tough questionsin the church. Sometimes the rule of the church is set up in a way that it serves law and not the power of grace. We sometimes respond to failures with negative responses that bind the future instead of responding to failures with the power of God’s grace. God doesn’t want us to fail. He wants us all to be strong in the word in strong in the Spirit to be able to overcome in all things, but in order to overcome there must be a need for the power of God’s grace and the need for a victory to be made complete. The apostle Paul wrote that elders are to be the husband of one woman. I believe that is a one-woman man. So, a man could have been divorced but they can’t be a divorced man and qualify in the maturity and character that can fulfill the responsibilities of an elder. An elder is someone who leads God’s people into where God is leading. This includes leading others into the character of Christ.

A qualifying leader may have been married prior to being a believer. They were born again. They became new creations in Christ, and they are free from the Egyptian side of the Red Sea by a submersion into Christ. They have had to experience being submerged into the identity of Christ and have had to walk out a proven testimony of their new identity in Christ. That should be easy. If the qualifications for an elder is that a human being can have never been divorced, then we are saying a human could never have sinned. If you have ever sinned, you can’t be an elder. You say – No, it is just divorce.So, if you have ever been divorced you can’t be an elder. That would mean that God saved you to be an elder because you had the qualifying character, when the only one who gives you any kind of qualifying character is Jesus. This should be easy. Anything that happened before we were believers is under the blood. Mercy justifies us to live. What about us as believers? Have you ever made a mistake? I believe we have all made mistakes. If we are only qualified because we have not made mistakes, then our flesh is the qualifier. Grace should be the qualifier. I don’t believe that Paul was saying you can’t be an elder if you have ever been divorced. He was saying you have to be a single individual blessed with one-woman – a one-woman man. If you were married before you would have had to know how to deal with your situation to become a whole person in the ways that I have already described. Even if you were at fault. You have to get healed. You have to get rid of the spirit of divorce. You have to get whole by God.  You have to become a testimony of God’s healing and then In marriage you cannot be repeating the mistakes of the past. You can’t be a two-woman man but a one-woman man. The criteria is, what are you now? We are leading people who come out of failed situations to find the redemption of God.

We have almost no expectations of those who come from the world. The only qualification for them coming is that God loves them. We don’t judge them by their divorces or their marriage. We don’t judge them for living together. We invite them into an environment where there is a family that can help them find the true life that is in Christ. It is a place where they become free from the spirit of divorce. A place where they become healed in their broken marriages. It is a place where we become freed from the spirit of adultery. Freed from mourning because of a death. Freed from the mistakes of the past. We are also a place that empowers them to find the grace of now. That their marriages would be a man and woman who are one flesh. That their marriages would be life-giving and not life-taking. That husbands would be giving life to their wives. They would be washing them and watering them with life-giving words.  That they would be bringing their wives alongside of them, not seeing any spots, blemishes or wrinkles in their lives. But seeing them as one flesh with them. That wives would be receiving the life their husbands are giving. That wives would be seeing themselves one with their husbands. Believing the words that are being spoken. Becoming a life expression in the two of them as a woman. Coming alongside of him in everything.


Ted J. Hanson


Please help me reach the nations. With your help tickets can be purchased and a way can be made for us to fulfill our purpose for the generations.

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on any of our web site links or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson




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From Passover To Paradise Restored


We have just celebrated Easter, or Resurrection Sunday.  The Resurrection story is not just a story of God’s love; it was a foundation for human purpose. Jesus came so that all of humanity could see God rightly. He came so we could each become empowered to see God as our Father, and not as some demanding deity. He is the giver of life and Jesus came so that we could see God for who He really is. He has never needed anything from anyone. He has always desired to be Himself. He is the One who gives life, breath, and all things. The kingdoms of the world are kingdoms bound to the power of darkness. The power of darkness is the power of not being able to see. Those in the kingdoms of the world are not able to see clearly who God is because they are blinded by a mindset of sin. That mindset of sin is a mindset of self-desires, self-seeking, and self-fulfillment in all things. Sin never stopped God from seeing who we really are, it only stopped us from seeing who He really is and thus blinded us from seeing who we really are. All people are called to be children of God, maturing sons and daughters of God, and co-partners with God in all things. The gift of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus has conveyed us into the reality of His kingdom – a kingdom of love knowing of true love.

Colossians 1: 13, 14 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.

The Old Covenant was a shadow of the good thing that would come in Jesus Christ. The good thing was an intimate relationship with God whereby we would not live under the law of what to do, but we would be internally empowered by the law of love – a love-motivated desire from within. The internal realities of righteousness, peace, and joy can only truly be known by the manifest presence of the Spirit of God in our hearts. Unless we are born again, we cannot see it; but being born again gives us the power to embrace the internal path of being sons and daughters of God. The Old Covenant shadow of these things was seen in three feasts. They were seen in the feast of Passover, the feast of Pentecost, and the feast of Tabernacles. Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant feast of Passover when He shed His blood in the path through Calvary. Holy Spirit fulfilled the Old Covenant feast of Pentecost when there was an outpouring of His presence upon the Body of Christ that from hence forth cannot be stopped in the nations and generations of men. A first fruit church in the first generation of Christ empowered believers fulfilled Old Covenant Tabernacles through a partnership with God as their Father in all things. Wisdom was justified by her children. There was a first fruit measure of humanity that overcame the opposition of all that was anti-Christ by the power Christ within them. They overcame every opposing spirit by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving not their own lives even unto death. These things set a foundation for the future generations and all who know Christ in them and the reality of being in Christ can live in a place of Paradise Restored. The kingdom of God is within us and we have righteousness in the Holy Spirit, peace in the Holy Spirit, and joy in the Holy Spirit from within our hearts. We have an internal relationship with God, and we can confess from our hearts that Jesus is Lord. We have a relationship with God as our Father, and we are now living to be children of God knowing our sins are forgiven and we have a Father who loves us. We have internal peace by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. There is no separation between us and God. What is within us is spilling over in our lives and the fruit and power of the Holy Spirit is becoming increasingly evident. The external testimonies of our lives testify that there is no separation between us and God. Our testimony is one of the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We have internal joy in the Holy Spirit. There is a growing understanding of our purpose because we know the presence of God our Father in our hearts. We abide in Him and He abides in us. We are part of the family business and we have joy in the Holy Spirit. The power of our destiny is a demonstration of the power of Jesus name. We are the body of Christ, the fullness of Him in all things.

Thank you Jesus that the tomb of death is not only empty, that temples of our lives are filled with the presence of Your Spirit. We can live, move, and have our being in in Christ. All things can work because of You, because we proved that nothing really works without You. Paradise has bee restored through the resurrection life of Christ within us.


Ted J. Hanson

Please help me reach the nations. With your help tickets can be purchased and a way can be made for us to fulfill our purpose for the generations.

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on any of our web site links or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson




Posted in #graceculture, #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | 1 Comment

Dealing With The Spirit of Divorce


I am home after a great visit with my children and grandchildren in Nevada. Yesterday I was blessed to minister in our home church in Bellingham. It is good to be part of a church family filled with people that love God, because they know that God loves them. Family is God’s way and family is the way of life in all things.

I have been addressing the topic of marriage, divorce, and some of the messy complications that come into our lives for whatever reason they may come. God has a perfect plan for marriage and family, but people seldom follow God’s perfect plan. Life is filled with human errors, but it is also filled with God’s never-ending love. There are reasons for divorce in a marriage, but in Christ there is no reason for the spirit of divorce to overcome us in life. If a person has committed adultery and they are divorced by their husband or their wife because of the adultery, the person who divorced the adulterous partner has to become a free single individual. That person has to find God’s grace to be a whole person that moves forward in life. They have to find God’s grace to move forward in life as a life giver to the world around them. The honest perspective has to be; My partner committed adultery, but maybe I contributed to that desire, that weakness, and that temptation in some way. It is not my job to judge my partner. It is my responsibility to become a healed, healthy, and whole individual. I did not commit adultery. I am free to marry again, but I need to be a healthy whole individual for that to happen. I break any soul ties. I give back to my former partner anything they gave to me. I give them back anything of the spirit, soul, or physical form that they have given me. I take back what I gave to them so that I can be whole and restored. I call back any substance that I gave of the spirit, soul, or flesh. I release them. I set them free, and now I am free and I choose to move forward. I can go forward to be single or to be married, whatever the future may hold.

Now let’s say there is a person who was divorced because they committed adultery. They were supposed to be one flesh with their partner made of two, but they added a third individual to the relationship. They became joined to another person – spirit, soul, and body. It was no longer two made as one, but a complicated situation. Their husband or wife divorced them. Now, they have been divorced because they committed adultery. The word says if they get remarried, they commit adultery. Under the law that is what is true. Why would they commit adultery? Because they have entered into relationships that were more than just a relationship with their partner. It is not just a physical reality. It is of the spirit, soul, and body. They have a spirit of divorce. If they get remarried, that spirit of divorce is going to come into the marriage. It will bring defilement. It will destroy the relationship. It will become more than complicated; it will become destructive. It is not just evil, wicked, or bad. It is not simply unclean, because it is dirty or shameful in some way. It is destructive. It is going to destroy relationship in their lives. That individual cannot get remarried, because they have a spirt of adultery – a spirit of divorce. There is good news in the New Covenant. God’s mercy is new every day and it can be received in God’s throne of grace. Mercy can be received and then grace can be found. That individual needs to become free. Their only hope is Christ in them to heal them of the spirit of divorce. They need God’s grace to redeem, to restore, to make them new again. They have to get free from the spirit of divorce.

God, I am sorry. God, I made a huge mistake. I was looking for love in the wrong place. I understand why my partner divorced me. I release them, they are free to be them, but I also need to be free. I renounce the spirit of divorce in my life. I break any soul ties with those that I joined to in a spirit of adultery. This relationship that I embraced was not my marriage, I renounce it. I break soul ties. Anything that was given to me from this relationship – anything spirit, soul or body I send it back to that person.  Anything that I gave I call it back to me. Renew my heart God. Make me new again. Not so I can get married, but so I can be a whole person before You.

In this, this person finds healing. They find deliverance. They become new.  What are they in life now? Are they a divorce person? No, they are a single person now. They experienced a divorce. It was their fault, but they are not a divorced person anymore. They have been redeemed; they have been made whole. God has healed them. They can get married again, if that is the will of God. We are not under a law where people cannot be changed. We are in an intimate relationship with God where we have the power of God’s grace that can make things new. It is a place of new created freedom! it is not bondage! Divorce was never intended to bring bondage. It abolishes a relationship so something new can be birthed. That new thing is whole single individual that can then remain as a whole single person or enter into a covenant of marriage where two flesh can become one new person.

What about those who ended a marriage by committing adultery, were divorced, and then remarried without the process that I have described? If you are reading this today, you need to deal in honesty to the foundation upon which your relationship has been established. You and your now spouse need to go before God and do some honest business before Him. Together you need to confess the flaw in the foundation of your marriage, and you need to ask for God’s healing. You need to ask for God’s mercy and find God’s grace for your now marriage to be free from any spirit of adultery and divorce. God can make things new, but it is a matter of doing business with God in vulnerable truth. We make mistakes, but God makes things new.


Ted J. Hanson

Please help me reach the nations. With your help tickets can be purchased and a way can be made for us to fulfill our purpose for the generations.

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Free From the Spirit of Divorce


When we don’t remember our first love and we try to return to our first experience it can only be a second, third, fourth, or some huge number that depletes the reality of the experience. It becomes an experience that is getting old. It is dying. My wife and I have been married for 42 years. She has been married to young Ted, but she has never been married to an old Ted. Being married to an old Ted is a new experience. We can have a first experience She can’t be married to a young man again as long as our life is living. Until death do we part. Divorce is the same as a partner dying, but divorce doesn’t bind it frees. If a man’s wife dies or a woman’s husband dies the living one has to go on in this world. So, they can no longer be two as one. They have to grieve the loss, but they have to be born again. They have to become an individual that is not lacking anything. They have marks, tattoos, and piercings that are testimonies to memories of what was. That makes them richer as an individual, but it does not make them bound to the past. The purpose of divorce is to free individuals to become whole individuals again. When a husband’s wife dies the way of God is, she goes to heaven and she is an individual in heaven. God’s ways is for the husband to become a whole single individual again to live life fully for the glory of God. That individual could get married again and it would be two individuals becoming one flesh. Not the same as the one flesh of the first marriage, but a one flesh of these two individuals for a new glory in life. They could choose not to marry and be a whole individual without the partnership of marriage God always provides a provision for human beings to always be whole, healthy and life-giving.

When we talk about divorce, God does not want divorce. His way is being life givers so the two become one full of life. His plan is that would never fail. So, He says to individuals, look for a partner in the right place. A man who finds a wife finds a good thing so make sure you find a compatible, comparable partner. If you are a believer in Jesus, you are looking for a believer in Jesus. If you find someone who is not a believer in Jesus, and you believe God tells you it is your future husband or wife, something has to happen in the life of the unbeliever first. You should go to God and say,If this is true You have to make them a believer in You before it is a possibility.Why? You are going to be one flesh. When a believer marries an unbeliever, it brings a complication into the marriage that should not have to be there. The two are one flesh and it can work, but if the unbelieving partner refuses to be a life-giver, refuses to be one with you, the apostle Paul said that was a possible reason for a divorce.

1 Corinthians 7:13 And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. 16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?

If the unbeliever is not willing to believe it is a possibility for divorce. Not because they are an unbeliever. Only because they are not a life-giver. If they are a life-giver God can bring salvation and sanctification to the family. We cannot read the Scriptures with legalistic views. Think about the point. The point is a family that gives life. I know believers that are married to what looks like unbelievers, but I also know many of those unbeliever’s act like believers in many ways. They may be going to heaven when they die. I don’t know. Their families are healthy. But I also have found that when a believer marries an unbeliever it almost never works. It almost always produces a lot of dysfunction and death in some way or another.  It almost always ends in failure. When something ends in failure, we have to learn. I should not have done that. I did that wrong. I need to listen to you God in the future. But now I need to be healed, I need to become a whole individual. I need to be freed from a spirit of divorce.

If you were in a marriage that failed and it wasn’t your fault, it was your partner’s fault, you have to have the attitude that it was your partner’s fault but for sure you also contributed to it. You am not responsible for them now; you are responsible for you. You must become a whole individual that finds their identity, provision, and destiny in God as your Father. You can then move forward to not fall for the same failures of your past:

Father God deliver me from any spirit of divorce that is in me and free me from any part of this covenant so that I can be healed and become a whole single individual, not so I can get married again but so I can be a healthy individual. If it is Your will that I get married again I have to be a healthy life-giver so that what is made new is eternal until death do, we part. Not the death of a divorce but the physical death of one of us. I need a miracle God so that I can fulfill purpose and destiny. 


Ted J. Hanson

Please help me reach the nations. 

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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