God’s Rest, The Foundation of Purpose


I had a great week last week in the Netherlands with House Of Praise Ede. I had some great meetings with the leaders and I was also able to get a lot of work done during the day. I finished editing another training course with Portuguese translation. This past weekend I have been with C4 Church in Clay Cross, England. We have had a great time of teaching, relational connection, and the wonderful presence of God. The sun was shining in the U.K. and so was the Son of God shining in people’s hearts!

The presence of God in our lives empowers us to do supernatural things. The presence of God will empower us to overcome difficult things. The objective of our lives is not merely to overcome wicked things. It is to be a place where God lives in the earth, but when we are that place we overcome all wicked things. The secret to overcoming wicked things is not found in our ability to be smart. It is found in our ability to be strong in the presence of God. When God rests in our lives everything in and around us comes under His peace.

When Christ centered people come through difficult things, and they don’t smell like smoke, it proves that God was in their lives. They have discovered the place in the East, a place of new beginnings and new days. God lives in our lives in the East. It is a place that promises hope. It promises life. We experience a sunrise each and every day and it promises a new day. I live in the Northwest of the U.S. where there are often grey skies during the winter months, but even on those days the sun is shining above the clouds. The sky becomes filled with light even on a gray day, because beyond what we can see the sun is on. In each and every day there is always hope. There can always be an expectation of a new day. The place where God lives is a place of true light and it is a place of promise. It is a place of expectation. It is the only place where we can say, He is able to do things exceedingly above and beyond anything we could possibly ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

If you are too smart you won’t be able to see it, but if you are connected you will be able to say it. He is able do things above and beyond what you can even ask or think. Intimacy with God who is the true Light of Life will give you hope, but natural awareness and the knowledge of good and evil will blind you to the truth. True enlightenment is not knowing something in your mind, it is intimacy with God in your heart.

When you find the place where God rests, you find the foundation for your purpose. In the world people seek purpose so that one day they might rest. The family of God finds purpose from the place where God rests. Sons and daughters of God know that God rests in their lives. That rest is not because God is tired, it is because He is hopeful. He is full of expectation. He is at peace. He is not worried. He gives life, He gives breath, and He gives all things in environments that welcome Him. That is who He is, not just what He does. It is what happens when He walks into the room. In the kingdom of God, we don’t live for purpose so that one day we might rest. We live from rest, so that we can grow in human purpose. We can live in and for the purpose of our heavenly Father.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Good works do not get us into Christ, but Christ in us empowers us to discover the works that have been prepared for us. I have changed my thinking on some things. I used to believe that King Jesus destroys the kings of the world. I used to think that Jesus the Lord destroys the lords of the world. In recent years I have discovered that He doesn’t destroy them, He converts them and transforms them. I have discovered that God doesn’t need anything, but to be Himself He has to give life, breath, and all good things. He has a need. His need is to give life, to give breath, and to give all things. He doesn’t get His identity out of that. He is secure in His identity. He is life. He is love. He is good. He is many attributes that describe who He is. It depends upon the angle we look from as well as the moment and the circumstance. To be Himself, He needs an environment where He can give.

Be the place that can receive the life of God today. Be hungry for His presence. His presence will give you your true identity. Be willing to become an expression of Him in your world. He gives breath. He is the word, but you are the voice. He is the paint, but you are the painting. He is expressive, but you are the poem. He is the notes, but you are the song. Be teachable in all things, because He is willing to partner with you in all things. He can even take what an enemy intends for evil and turn it for good. When God rests in your life you can expect good things. You can expect life!



Ted J. Hanson

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Progress For the Portuguese World

Thank You,

Thank you so much to those of you who have been able to contribute to our cause. More courses are being developed for the Portuguese speaking world. Your prayers and financial support are making it possible for House of Bread Ministry to reach the world. If God blesses you to bless us, please consider supporting House of Bread Ministry. Checks Payable to: House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA  98225

Online Donations can be made here 

A Sample of Portuguese Projects for Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Brazil, and Guinea-Bissau:

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The Place He Transforms Us


Today I am in Ede, Netherlands. I have a great weekend with House Of Praise Ede. God touched us with His presence from the internal Kingdom of Heaven. I am happy to report that there are hungry people in the Netherlands and that God is pouring out His love.

Jesus came to make it possible for God to rest in human lives. This is a present truth. The secret to our ability to lead our congregations, the secret to being men and women of God, the secret to our families, the secret to be able to give identity to the world around us that needs it, is all found in God resting in our lives. We need to know the God of the garden. We need to know the God of the garden who brings about the fruitfulness of the garden, so we can go to the barrenness of the earth and turn it into the fruitfulness of His life in every way. We are here to go to the barren places of the world and to turn it into the fruitfulness of the God of the garden. To do that is not dependent upon how hard we work. It depends upon from where we work. We have to be the place where God rests.

I am 45 years old in Christ and this is so fresh in me. It is the place of first love. It is not the place of first experience. It is the place of constant first experiences. We can never return to a first experience, though first experiences are very often wonderful. We can all remember times in our lives, or in the expressions of what He has entrusted to us, where there have been good and bad times. We want the good times, but we can never repeat a single good time from the past. We can only give identity to today. We can only create new experiences. If we try to create the past experience, if we try to create the experience we see in others, it won’t be a first.  It will only be 2nd, a 3rd, a 1000th, or a 10,000th. Repeated experiences can only diminish, they cannot offer the wonder of what is only first. God wants to give us multiple experiences and they happen because we become the place of first love.

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Do you understand the mercy of God? Do you understand how good He is? Mercy ends the past. He passed over our sins. He looked at our formless, void and dark places and He saw who we were. Then He touched us, and He breathed into us the breath of life. He planted a place of life for us and He put us there. So, we need to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Let this be the place where He lives.

Taste and know that He is good. Don’t fall for the lie that you need to know what you are doing. Don’t fall for the lie that you need to be smart. Hold fast to the truth that He will transform your way of thinking and your way of being from the inside out. He will change the beliefs of your heart and inspire new thinking in your mind that is inspired from within your heart. He will prove the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God in your life because He rests in you.

We need the places of our lives to become the place where He rests. When God rests in our marriage, our church, in the nation, or wherever; things will be healed. God wants to rest in our lives!

Father, thank you that we can say, “Father”. Thank you that you that we can see what we cannot see naturally. We can know what we don’t know. We want to be happy to not need to know. Hearing God is not about knowing what to do. It is about knowing You God. We want to return to that place where knowing you is sufficient. We want our churches to be that place, a place where you rest. Let us experience the poetry of your presence that inspires your testimony of life from within our hearts.



Ted J. Hanson


PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me. 

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

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We Don’t Need to be Smart


Today I am once again in Bellingham. I had a great time in Las Vegas, Nevada visiting my grandchildren and now a great weekend at Alife and more grandchildren. Life is good.

In the garden of Eden all the trees were good to look at. All the trees were good for food, but there was one tree that was different than the rest. It was not different because it looked nice. All of the trees were pleasing to the eyes. It was not different because it was good for food. All the trees of the garden were good food. They all tasted good and could be desired. The only difference between this tree and all the other trees was that it made you smart. It made it so man would know what he was doing, therefore, he would always think he could know what he was doing. It made man independent. Therefore, it made man unable to subdue his enemies, but vulnerable to being subdued by them. The last thing we need to be, is smart. We don’t need an increase of the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil. It is by reason of use that we can discern the difference. What gives us reason of use? God resting in our lives. This is not us working so that we can rest. Rest is not the end of purpose. Rest is the foundation for purpose, but that rest is not a human rest. That rest is God resting in our lives, because He is satisfied with the identity, testimony, and destiny that He sees in humanity.

After the fall, when man chose the knowledge of good and evil, men had to be governed by their human spirit that was now disconnected from God’s Spirit. This was an administration of human conscience. The human conscience is not the Holy Spirit, it is the human spirit. It is in every human being. It is a voice that is a knowledge of good and knowledge of evil. It is not the voice that was intended to be the government of human beings. The government of human beings was meant to be a union of the human spirit and the Holy Spirit. When Holy Spirit rests in the human spirit, the human spirit begins to receive life-giving thoughts, strategies, desires, emotions, and imaginations that come from the Spirit of God inspiring their own spirits from within. When the human spirit is independent, it becomes vulnerable to enemies that it cannot subdue.

So, after the fall in Genesis, from chapter 3 to chapter 6, we find 1500 years of covenantal history. During this time, we find that human beings had partnered with angels and angels had partnered with humanity. The independence of humanity had not only created perversions of their own identity, they had participated in creating perversions in the spiritual heavens. The Pseudepigrapha writings of the Jews, like the mythological writings of many cultures, are an account of a mixing of heaven beings and humanity. They are probably not accurate in their perspective from humanity, but all cultures of humanity have something in their history that tells a story where angels and humans mixed. The Bible mentions it only briefly because it is not the main event, but it was a reality. My point is this; when humans lost the ability for God to rest in their lives, bad things happened in heaven and on earth.

In the midst of that time, there was a family of the house of Noah who had a conscience that was right towards God. Noah was righteous in his generation. According to the knowledge that we have today, he may not have been righteous. But according to the knowledge of his day, he was righteous. His name was Noah, which means rest.God decided He could rest in this family with the hope of repopulating the earth for God’s purpose through the vessels of men. As in the beginning, the starting point for something redemptive and new was one of God resting in men. God could rest in the family of Noah. After the flood, God confirmed the covenant with Noah.

Genesis 9:1 So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.

God said to be fruitful, multiply and fill; He did not say subdue and have dominion. It was then that God implemented human law. This continued until the time that God gave humanity His law. From the time of Noah to the time of Moses there was human law and from the time of Moses to the time of Jesus there was Torah law, but the law was not sufficient to create a place where God could rest. God could not rest in men until the time that Jesus came. He was born of the Spirit and born of the flesh. He was a man and as a son of God. He was another Adam, with another Eve inside of Him. He came, not to fix God’s world, but to fix the human world. God never had a problem with Satan. There has never been a competition between God and the devil. There has never been a time where God was worried about what He would do. There has never ever been a possibility of Satan winning. The only ones who had a problem with Satan was humanity. They signed the deed of the earth over to the Devil when they forsook the ability to be the place where God rests.


Ted J. Hanson

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me. 

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

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Christ and His Body – The Place of God’s Presence


Today I am in Las Vegas visiting my son, his wife and two of my grandchildren. We are having a great time in the desert sun. I am enjoying multiple sleepovers here and I look forward to a few more days and then more later in the summer. Family is very special! Family is God’s idea for human relationships.

I have been writing concerning the creation of man and how man’s first experience was that of God resting in his life, so man could move forward in the purpose of humanity in the earth. The creation of man was that of both male and female. God saw the finished work of man, male and female, from His perspective of creation as recorded in Genesis chapter one. I believe that Genesis chapter two is that same experience from human perspective. God’s plan was that man would be male and female and would embrace a relationship of one flesh before Him in fulfilling God’s purpose in their lives in filling the earth with God’s glory. Man was destined to bring the fruitfulness of the God of the garden to every barren place of the earth.

The first task given to man was one of giving identity to all the animals in his world. Whatever Adam proclaimed them to be, was the identity given to them in the earth. When Adam gave identity to the animals, he could do it because he still had the wisdom of a woman inside of him. He had the knowledge of a man and the wisdom of a woman and when wisdom and knowledge come together you get understanding. When you read the book of Proverbs, wisdom is spoken of as a woman and knowledge is spoken of as a man. Proverbs also reveals that when wisdom and knowledge come together, you get understanding. Knowledge alone is not enough. Wisdom alone is not enough. It is a partnership of these two things that brings understanding. It is the path of discretion that allows these two things to come together. God’s presence in both is essential for this to happen. Wisdom that is not birthed from the place where God rests is not true wisdom at all. Knowledge that is not birthed from the place where God rests is not true knowledge. Only wisdom and knowledge birthed from the presence of God can lead to true understanding.

When Adam named the animals, it was not male man giving identity to the animals. Adam was a shadow of  Jesus Christ in his creation. When Jesus walked this earth, He had the spiritual rib of Christ in Him that would ultimately become the seed for the body of Christ. When Adam went to sleep, a rib came from inside of him that was formed into the woman. It required a connection of Adam and Eve for the head and body of man to be complete. This is supernatural thing since the two could now be seen as separate. Only an intimate relationship of life and love could make them one flesh. When Jesus gave up His Spirit, blood and water flowed from His side to the earth and that act broke the curse of dust to call forth the body of Christ from the nations of men. The curse of nirvana was broken by the glory that would come from the nations as the fullness of Christ in bodily form. The body of Christ would be the help-mate of Jesus in all things. She would be the Proverbs chapter 31 woman sent to deal in the real estate of the earth on behalf of her husband who sits in the gate of heaven.

Eve was not created to be the helper of Adam. She was a help-mate to Adam. Adam was not in the earth to fulfill His purpose. He was in the earth to fulfill God’s purpose. This would be fulfilled by a relationship of a Heavenly Father and His children in the earth. Eve was not in the earth to fulfill the purpose of Adam. She was in the earth to partner with Adam to fulfill the Father’s purpose in the earth. We do not have a life, a family, a business, a church, a ministry, or anything to fulfill our purpose. We have all that we have in order to fulfill the Father’s purpose on earth as it is in heaven. If you are a pastor, a member of your church, a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, or any aspect of bringing influence to the world around you, you don’t live for your purpose. We must each partner with others in order to fulfill our Heavenly Father’s purpose on earth as in heaven. We do not have a calling, an inheritance, or any power apart from God.  Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter one that we are each part of a calling in Christ. We are each a part of His inheritance. We are each part of His power. Jesus is the head and the body is the fullness of Him. Under the feet of the body and the head are principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, and names. These things are under the feet of the place where God rests.

Ephesians 1:15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

God presence in our lives is essential in order for us to full God’s purpose in our lives. God presence abides in the headship and body of Christ. The body of Christ is a place of habitation for the Spirit of Christ. Trying to fulfill the purpose of God in our lives will not necessarily invite God presence, but embracing God’s presence in our lives will empower us to walk a path of fulfilling His purpose in life. The secret to discovering our true identity, testimony, and destiny in life is God’s presence abiding in our lives.


Ted J. Hanson

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me. 

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

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His Rest For Our Purpose


Today I am enjoying being home after a very fruitful trip to Bulgaria, England, and Spain. I arrived home on Saturday night and yesterday I was blessed to minister at Destiny Centre in Delta, BC, Canada. The sun is shining, and I am looking forward to a day at home.

When God created man, man’s first experience was one of God resting in his life. It was from the place of God resting in his life, that man would be impassioned, envisioned, and empowered for human destiny. It was in the East, a place of hope, expectancy, and new beginnings for new days. The atmosphere was one of life. God took the time to plant something that would be filled with life for a man. It was in the garden that God commanded man to eat of trees that were good for food and pleasing to look at.

Genesis 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

God commanded man to eat of every tree of the garden, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil he said, don’t touch it for if you eat it will die.He did not say, if you eat it, I will kill you!The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was poison. It would be deadly if the man ate it. That death would be a death to the spirit connection of man to the Spirit of God. There is no God in heaven that kills people for eating the tree of the knowledge of good an evil. Eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil will kill you. God commanded man to eat of every tree. He said, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat…   …and then He said, that one, don’t touch it. It is poisonous.Religion teaches that God said, don’t touch that one, My wrath will come on you.God’s wrath is not on people. It is on what destroys people. When people embrace what cannot stand in the presence of God, it appears that God’s wrath is against them, but God’s mercy is true for all who turn to Him. God simply hates anything that destroys life.

When man chose the tree of knowledge of good and evil the result was a death to the intimate connection with God – spirit to Spirit. This affected his destiny. He had already been working. He had even gone to sleep and had trusted God for a plan of intimate partnership by which he could fulfill the mandate of being fruitful, multiplying, filling, subduing, and having dominion. From God’ perspective Eve was already there. She was in the rib of Adam. God told Adam to name all the animals of the earth. He didn’t tell him what to call them. Adam said, elephant; and God said, I like it.Adam said monkey, flamingo,and giraffe!God liked it. Adam gave identity to creatures that lacked identity. How could he do it?

When man was formed from the dust, I believe it was day six, as God saw it to be from His perspective as recorded in Genesis, chapter one. I believe God formed man from the dust on day six, but on day seven God rested. Human experience on earth had two parts to it. It had an experience of barrenness with an amazing transformation of abundance. God planted a paradise garden and put man in it. Human experience also included God resting in his life in the midst of that paradise environment. The first experience in the garden was one of God resting in an environment of humanity. Adam wasn’t in need of rest. He hadn’t done anything. God didn’t rest because He was tired. He rested because He was satisfied. When God formed Adam, Eve was still in the DNA of Adam, and the embodiment of Adam and Eve was not in need of rest. They were in need of purpose. They were in need of destiny to give life, to give identity to living things in their world, and to partner with things for the purpose of life. What was necessary for human purpose to come about? God resting in the lives of men was essential to men discovering who they are. The world has a concept that we work to rest. That has affected us in our lives, families, ministries, churches and every aspect of life. King David said, I had it in my heart to make a place to build a house where the presence of God could rest, and the earth could be made His footstool.The place that David saw was not a place for man to rest. It was a place for God to rest with humanity. It is then that the earth would be made a footstool before God. All chaos can be put in order, all emptiness can be filled with life, and all darkness can be made light when God rests in the room!

Be aware of God’s presence in your life today. You are part of His calling in Christ. You are part of His inheritance. God want’s to demonstrate His power through your life for the glory of our family name. We have a Father who gives life, breath, and all things for the purpose of life in all things, but it begins with Him resting in our lives.


Ted J. Hanson

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me. 

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

Posted in #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | 1 Comment

Life-Giving Rivers From Eden


Today I am in Spain after an amazing time in England with Impact Community Church and their Arise Conference. I was blessed to be with my very good friend Andrew Shearman for the whole time and God was wonderful. John Marsden was also able to come and be with us on the Friday night. It was great to be with Pastor Elijah Boswell and his awesome church family. Time with my covenant brothers Andrew Shearman and John Marsden is always a premium! God is so good and His life is so rich and wonderful!

We were created to live in and from the presence of God in our lives. God is our Father and He gives us life, breath, and all things. Knowing Him is more important than knowing what to do in life, because a personal relationship with Him is life. When we know Him, we come alive and we give life to the world around us!

I have been describing the creation of the heavens and the earth from the perspective of God and from the perspective of man as God inspired Moses to write it. If you haven’t read my blogs from the past couple of weeks, I encourage you to read them to understand where I am coming from. God created man on the sixth day and then He rested. God’s view was a finished work, but from the perspective of man there was much to be done. Man’s first experience was something of dust and then an experience of God resting in and with him in life. It was from that reality that man found himself in a place of paradise. I believe that paradise is a place where nothing works without God. Thus, it is also a place where everything works because of God. God took the time to plant a place in the East that was a delightful place of relationship with God and man, man and God. I know these things to be true in principle, pattern, and value. I was once dust, but I experienced God resting in my life! It is from that place that I have grown in being able to give life to the world. I know what paradise is. It is being loved by God and being empowered by that love for life-giving transformations in all things.

Genesis 1:9  And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The trees of the garden were pleasant to look at and they were good for food. The experience was to see life and experience life with God in an amazing way. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was also in the garden, but I will address that tree in a further blog.

There were four rivers in the garden and those rivers went from the garden, out to the world. I believe that everything in this garden is what Jesus was talking about when He cried out; Is anyone thirsty? Come to me and drink, and from inside of you will flow rivers of life-giving water! I know this to be true, not only in Scripture, but in the testimony of my own life.

When we live in a desirable place with God, the expressions of our lives become desirable to others. When we experience the life of God we become givers of the life of God to others. Like the four covenant rivers in the garden of Eden, the life that flows out from our lives causes our world to be changed. The covenant rivers in the garden were filled with the abundance of life for the purpose of reaching the field. The purpose of the rivers was to reach the place where trees needed to grow. The water of these rivers were destined to flow where herbs needed to grow. The field that Adam was formed from was dust and it was in need of trees and herbs. The earth needed life to become a place that can give life. The garden of Eden was not just a place of blessing, it was a place of purpose. When God rests in our lives it is not just for us to experience the life of God. It is so we can be those who give life to the world.

Genesis 2:10 Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. 11 The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

There was a river in the garden that produced four riverheads. Four is a number of covenant and it represents the ability to give life to the whole world. These rivers were the testimony of life for all that needs life in the earth. If we look at the names of these riverheads we find some great truth concerning the power of life. If you study the names of these four rivers you will find a description of the following testimony:

  • A RIVER THAT BRINGS CHANGE FOR INCREASE –  BELIEF (Pishon – persuasion – an extension of the mouth)
  • A RIVER THAT BRINGS AWAKENING – ACTION (Gihon – breaking forth – valley of grace)
  • A RIVER THAT BRINGS INCREASE AND MOMENTUM – IMAGINATION (Hiddekel –beyond what is – sharp voice, sound)
  • A RIVER THAT BRINGS FRUITFULNESS – INFLUENCE (Euphrates – that makes fruitful)

Whatever be BELIEVE determines how we ACT. How we ACT determines what we can IMAGINE. What we can IMAGINE determines how we can INFLUENCE the world around us. The secret to these being life-filled realities for life-filled purposes in our lives is to live in and from the presence of God in all things. God is resting in our lives for the testimony of His glory in our world!


Ted J. Hanson

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me.

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

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From Dust to Paradise!


I am presently in Bulgaria. We have seen many people baptized in the Holy Spirit this past week as well as a few new salvations. People have been healed and miracles have been released. The greatest of all is, we have seen God’s presence resting in our lives. Our Father in heaven is present with us now by His Holy Spirit. The name of Jesus is bringing life in amazing ways. It is wonderful to be a place upon this earth where God lives.!

I mentioned last week of my introduction to Jesus forty-five years ago. I celebrated that date this past Saturday. I celebrated it by seeing many touched with the life and love of God in our midst. What a great life it is!

Forty-five years ago, I was in a desperate state, but some wonderful daughters of God prayed for me. What bothered me the most was, my life was harming other people. I was using drugs and drank many beers every day. I was in a desperate state. I sold people drugs. I was by no means a drug dealer, I just sold a few drugs to be able to buy more expensive drugs for myself. This began to bother me. I decided I should stop selling drugs to others, but my way of making money was selling drugs. God, who sees things from His perspective. spoke to these ladies again. He told them I was trying to get out of debt for selling drugs. One of them came to me one day with a handful of cash. She said, we heard you are trying to get out of debt for selling drugs. So, we took an offering and we want you to know this is a love gift from God to pay your drug debts. I thought they were idiots and fools, but when I touched the money the fear of God hit me, and I paid my drug debts. So, before I knew He loved me, I knew that He was the One who paid my debts. Very shortly after that, I invited Jesus into my heart.

When those young ladies were praying for me, it was like Genesis chapter 1 through chapter 2:3. God wasn’t worried. God saw the potential of who I am. But God also saw that He wanted to rest in my life, so that any enemies in my life could be subdued. In May of 1973, on the 12thday, God touched the dust of my life. I felt Him touch me. A man was talking about how Jesus had come into his heart. As I sat there in my dryness, in my barren condition, I felt God’s hand begin to form me and I began to cry. Water came to the desert. As I went to go home from that meeting, I pulled my car to the side of the road and rives began to break out in the desert. My eyes began to stream. Even my nose began to leak. My heart began to leak. I confessed everything I had ever done to Jesus. I don’t know if He needed me to confess, but I needed to confess. I begged Him to come into my life and like Geneses 2:7, He breathed into me the breath of life. His Spirit came into my spirit.

Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. 8 The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.

By no means was the earth a paradise in the original creation. There was a place among the dust of the field where God planted a garden. It was there that He put the man he had formed from the dust. It was in a place called Eden. Eden means desirable place. The place of desire. It was in the East. When we wake up in the morning, we see the sun and the sun gives us a testimony of a new day. It is full of promise and expectation. The East signifies a new day. In reality the earth turns towards the sun, but the experience is a sunrise and a new day. If this is a truth of revelation I can apply it in my life. Forty-five years ago, I turned towards God and I experienced new life. He touched me and He breathed His life into me. The very next morning I woke up and I found that in the midst of my barrenness God had planted a garden. It was a desirable place. I woke up and I was smiling. I could not stop smiling. It took me two days to tell a couple hundred people about Jesus. I told them all about Jesus. I was popular for all the wrong reasons, but my popularity gave me a basis to share my faith. I told them passionately about Jesus. I found myself in Paradise. There were trees. There was life everywhere. God was allowing me to experience His goodness and his presence in my life. I am reminded of this as I have finished a 45th year of knowing Him.

Today is a good day to recognize Him in your life. He is the desire of our hearts. Before you do another thing, remember the dryness from where you have come and embrace the goodness and the presence of God who has taken the time to plant a place of relationship for you and Him in this world. For this, I am a fire for Jesus! My past was dust, but my present life is the result of God resting in my life!


Ted J. Hanson


PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me.

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

Posted in #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | 2 Comments

A Need For God


I just finished a great weekend in Deming, New Mexico. I am always blessed with my church family here. God is my friend and so are these special people in His family. I pray that God will bring every good thing to pass in their lives. Let there be water in the desert and fruitful fields of life for the glory of God’s kingdom of love.

In Genesis chapter two it says that the heavens and earth were finished in their creation on day six and then God blessed the seventh day as the day that He rested from His work.

Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

When we read the book of Genesis, we are not reading Genesis chapter 1 and then chapter 2 as something that chronologically follows chapter 1. Chapters and verses were not in the original text. It was centuries later that chapters and verses were added. This was even true in the New Testament Scriptures. Sometimes we get distracted by chapters and verses and we miss the context and point of stories. We miss the point of concepts. There is nothing spiritual about chapters and verses. There is no prophetic significance about verse numbers. They were added by human beings – a good idea and a terrible idea. A good idea, in that it helps us find things. A bad idea, in that it creates a possibility for us to take things out of context. What is the concept of the covenant story of Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2? Genes 1 through chapter 2 verse 3 is God inspired word written by Moses as God conveyed to him how to write it. Moses was not in the garden of Eden as a journalist making sure he had the right recording, the right video, and the right words. It was more important that God speak to Moses in covenantal terms. God explained to Moses that this is the creation. I believe that Genesis 1 through chapter 2 verse 3 is the earth as it is seen from God’s perspective. From God’s perspective, a formless, void and dark situation needed God to be God. We know from Scripture that God does need anything, but he gives life, breath, and all things.

Acts 17:24 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.

In the beginning there was a need for God to be Himself. There was a need for God to give live, to give breath and to give all things. Whatever that looks like from the perspective of science, I don’t care. I care how it looks covenantly. The covenantal view of God is recorded in Genesis chapter 1 through Genesis chapter two verse 3. In the creation, on day six, God created man. It was His capstone, His finish of the creation. God, in His Trinity, spoke to Himself and something amazing came to be. God as the Father, the word and the Spirit spoke to the substance of His own being. He spoke to himself and something came from Himself that was both male and female.

When we come to Genesis chapter two verse 4 we have a different perspective of the story. This is the history of the heavens and the earth. It is a story of man on earth relating to God. This is the history, he formed man from the dust. The field was in need of plants. The field was in need of herbs. It was in need for man to till it. There was a need for more. In verse 7 it says that God formed man from the dust of the ground and He breathed into him the breath of life. Some people view Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 as two different creations. I view them as two different perspectives. One is the view of God in His prophetic nature as He sees things that are not as though they are. The other is the experience from human perspective.

I can even relate this into my life. If something is Biblically true then you can apply the principle pattern, and value in our life. Forty-five years ago, I was formless, void and dark. my life needed life. It was in chaos, it was empty, and it was dark. But God’s perspective toward me was that I would be a fire for Him. He even spoke to some young ladies who were believers in Christ. He said, pray for Ted Hanson he will be a fire for me. They prayed; Dear Jesus, please make Ted Hanson so miserable he can’t stand himself until he comes to know you. They prayed in the late summer and fall of 1972 and then in the spring of 1973 God reminded them to pray for me again. I felt God’s Spirit brooding over my life, and in May of 1973 I felt His hand upon me as He breathed His life into my spirit. I was born again! I am forever grateful for God’s perspective concerning my life and for my perspective concerning the touch of His love in mine.


Ted J. Hanson

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me.

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

Posted in #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | 1 Comment

A Place Where God Rests


I have just finished another great week in Portugal. Another teaching project has been recorded and I am in the process of editing the material to be used in various Portuguese speaking countries in the world. Thank you to Lidia Ferreira for all of her hard work translating. I worked you hard and you eagerly served in the long hours of recording. I was blessed to speak to the CCVA leaders as well as several churches over the weekend. It was a good time and God is surely in my time with my Portuguese family. They are hungry, willing, and teachable and I am honored to serve these wonderful people.

What is the foundation for being leaders, ministers, fathers, mothers, or anyone in a place of Christ-life responsibility in life? At the end of King David’s life, he gathered the captains of various divisions. Some were captains of thousands, some hundreds, and some fifties. He called for those who responsible for various measures in his kingdom to come before him. 

1 Chronicles 28:1-2 Now David assembled at Jerusalem all the leaders of Israel: the officers of the tribes and the captains of the divisions who served the king, the captains over thousands and captains over hundreds, and the stewards over all the substance and possessions of the king and of his sons, with the officials, the valiant men, and all the mighty men of valor. Then King David rose to his feet and said, “Hear me, my brethren and my people: I had it in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and for the footstool of our God, and had made preparations to build it.”

David wanted to build a house for God, but God told him that his son would build it. David had been a man who had shed much blood. He had taken much life. The house that David saw could only be built by a man of life, a man who could only give life. I don’t believe that Solomon built that house. I don’t believe that the Temple of Solomon met the criteria of what was in David’s heart. I believe that the greater David built it, and the greater David was Jesus. The house that David had in mind was a place where God rests and then all of His enemies would be made His footstool. His enemies would be subdued by God’s presence in the earth.

Stephen, at his stoning, told his Jewish countrymen that the body of Christ was the testimony of the greater David. It was the testimony of the One who had come to build the house where God rests in the earth.

Acts 7:44 “Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as He appointed, instructing Moses to make it according to the pattern that he had seen, 45 which our fathers, having received it in turn, also brought with Joshua into the land possessed by the Gentiles, whom God drove out before the face of our fathers until the days of David, 46 who found favor before  God and asked to find a dwelling for the God of Jacob. 47 But Solomon built Him a house. 48 “However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: 49 ‘Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the Lord, or what is the place of My rest? 50 Has My hand not made all these things?’”

The prophet Isaiah declared that God’s house could not be built by human hands, but the God had a place much greater as His place of rest. His desire was to rest upon the earth in the hearts of men.

Isaiah 61:1 Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?

The house that God lives in is not built with human hands. Any ministry effort or any physical effort we make in life will not be sufficient enough to be a place that God lives. It is only in us that His presence can abide, and then the things we do become expressions from the place where He rests. When God rests in our lives, He gives us life, breath, and all things.

Acts 17:24-25 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.

I believe that is the house God desires and we should desire to be a place where God rests at all times. When God rests in and among men His enemies are made a footstool. God does not rest there in order to tell us how to subdue the enemies. It is God’s manifest presence that subdues the enemies. I think this is true for us as individuals. Are we a place where God rests?  As a human being – as a man, a woman, a leader, as person in life; am I a place where God rests?



Ted J. Hanson

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help us today. Your donation will help us reach the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Prayer and finances are needed for the task to be accomplished that is before us.

Thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and support. More resources are being developed and we are moving forward with reaching the nations with the message of New Covenant Life and Grace. Many doors of influence have opened for House of Bread Ministry. I need your help to do all that is before me.

Donations can be made at the above right link or mail your donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, Wa. 98225.

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