Divorce – Rigor Mortise of a Dead Heart


Today I am in Wichita, Kansas. We had a great weekend here with various gatherings of women, men, and church family. God’s presence was here and God’s family is alive and well in Kansas. Thank you to all who came to be together.

I have been addressing the topics of marriage, divorce, and remarriage. What did Jesus say in regard to divorce? There was a time in the New Testament when two religious groups came to Jesus. One group believed you could divorce your wife if she displeased you for any reason. The other group believed you could only divorce your wife if she committed adultery. So, they asked Jesus a trick question.

Matthew 19:3 The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?” 4 And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” 7 They said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?” 8 He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.”

Obviously, these religious people walked away and the group that said adultery was the only reason for divorce thought He verified that they were right. But if we listen to all the words that Jesus said, He said things like this: You have heard it said in the law you shall not commit murder, but I say if you hate your brother in your heart you have already committed murder. You say the law says you shall not commit adultery but if you have ever thought it in your heart you have already committed adultery.

By the words of Jesus, probably every marriage is justified to divorce. Probably every man and every woman have a legal right to divorce one another. But the question is, should they? Jesus said it is just as bad to think it in your heart as it is to actually do it. It was for the hardening of heart that divorce was permitted because divorce is an issue of the heart and it is the testimony of death. Death  can only produce more death. A hard heart is the testimony of rigor mortise, a condition of the flesh when dead. Christ in us is the hope of keeping our hearts tender and alive in every season of life. The presence of Christ in us is the power of God’s grace to continually change our hearts and minds to be a testimony of love that overcomes all things.

I know that there are many believers and even pastors and leaders who have probably asked the question; Did I marry the right woman? Or for a woman, Did I marry the right man? That is committing adultery. Considering who you should have married when you are married is a trespass in the thoughts of your heart. Entertaining pictures of pornography is a breach in a covenant relationship. Jesus was really saying that every human being has the right to get divorced; but should they? I think that every human being should find the grace for a broken place in relationship to be healed. In a marriage you have to be born again every day. You have to return to your first love. Not your first experience. You can never return to a first experience. It is a second, a third, or even a number of great measure that only diminishes the experience. Only returning to your first love can give you the ability to have new first experiences in your relationship together as one flesh. Your first love looks like this. Hi, I pick you. Here am. I give you my life. That is how our relationship with God was born. Jesus said to us, Hi, I pick you. I didn’t come to condemn the world or you. I came that you might be healed. I reconciled you before you even believed in me. I have come that you might live. We respond, Oh Jesus, I pick you! You make me come alive!

These actions created a revelation of love. He gives life to us and we receive that life that He gives and then we begin to have faith towards Him. We respond to Him. He responded to us. He gave us life and we took that life and gave it to others. We became an expression of us. We realized that who we are is for His glory. He demonstrates that who He is, is for our glory so the Father will be glorified in all things. We became a community – a husband and a wife as Christ the head and Christ the body are one flesh in the purposes of God the Father in all things. This is the foundation of family by which the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God. Babies were born and family began to happen. We met friends and we became part of a neighborhood. We found enemies, but we were even able to bring life in the midst of our enemies. We found that life is beyond us. There is a generation beyond us and a generation beyond them. The fruit of two becoming a husband and a wife became a dad and mom to become a grandpa and grandma, but it all started with a first love. Here I am, I pick you. The only way we can prevent divorce is to say, here I am. I give life to you because divorce is death. These principles are not only true for our natural relationships, they are also true in the spiritual dynamics of our lives as the body of Christ lives for the lives of others through life-giving relationships. Even single people can participate in the dynamics of this truth.

In marriage we make a commitment until death do we part. Which means we have to give life every day or we are going to be dead long before we die. When I married my wife, I no longer had a day that was my day. She no longer had a day that was her day. It became our day. And then we had children and it was no longer our day without children and now we have grandchildren and marriage is a miracle where every day is a new day where we can return to our first love, and we can have many first experiences.


Ted J. Hanson

Please help me reach the nations. 

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Being Healed of Divorce


Today I am heading home after three weekends in Portugal. At the moment I am stuck in Amsterdam after a 3 hour flight delay and missed connections. I have arranged a new route home, but a bit later than expected. Such is the life of travel (ha, ha).  It was a great trip. I was able to record two more training courses in Portuguese. This is a total of ten courses in video, audio, and print in the Portuguese language. We are putting together some key training resources for the Portuguese world.

I have been addressing the topic of God’s design for marriage. Marriage is a partnership of life-giving relationship that empowers two different individuals to become one flesh made of two. Divorce is the destruction of a one-flesh relationship. God hates divorce, because God loves life. Divorce is not a certificate; it is a state of not being. In the Old Covenant, Moses permitted a certificate of divorce because of the hardness of the human heart. The inability for human beings to be changed in their hearts and minds needed a resolution to what was no longer manifesting as one flesh. In Deuteronomy chapter 24, the describes how a certificate of divorce is given.

Deuteronomy 24:1 “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, 2 when she has departed from his house, and goes and becomes another man’s wife, 3 if the latter husband detests her and writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her as his wife, 4 then her former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wife after she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the Lord, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.

The divorce is given not a means of bondage, but a certificate of freedom. It was given so there can be a new beginning. It isn’t so there can never be a beginning again. In these verses it includes the man being remarried and the woman being able to remarry as well. Divorce is not God’s desire, but an out for the hardness of the heart of man. It is Greek thought to interpret Scripture as when you get divorced you can never get married. I will address this in a future blog. What is divorce? A divorce is the dissolving of one flesh to become two individuals again. Marriage is a covenant where two individuals become one made of the two. They were ok when they were each a single individual; but when they made a covenant, they became one of two, something new. A man and a woman joined together as one flesh is a way to be life-givers that produces the fruit of life and the foundation of life as family. This is the authority of family. This is not just the power to have sex, but the authority of family. Marriage is not the binding of two individuals’ freedoms. It is not a limitation of two individual’s freedoms. It is a liberation to a greater freedom of one flesh made of two individuals. It includes the freedom of different things becoming one thing for the sake of generational life in others. Marriage is the freedom of a greater intimacy of spirit, soul, and body as one flesh made of two individuals that can fulfill the mandate of being fruitful, multiplying, filling, subduing, and having dominion in life. Marriage brings a greater freedom of a larger individual made of two. When a marriage fails a divorce dissolves the one made of two so there can be a recreation of two individuals again. In Jewish law a divorce was not to prevent someone from getting married again, it was meant to free them from a covenant of marriage that was not producing life so there could be two individuals who could move forward and even be married again. There were certain requirements. One reason for divorce was adultery.  This is where two individuals should be one flesh, but one joins themselves to another flesh which then brings the spirit soul and body influence of that third party into their family. It becomes a perversion of one flesh. It needs to be fixed, because it will destroy the identity, the testimony, and the inheritance of the family. It will bring additional spiritual influences, influences of the soul, and natural influences into the relationship of two as one. In Hebrew law this would be there greatest reason to dissolve a covenant. In a sense, invading forces are now coming into this marriage. The only hope is something supernatural. In the Old Covenant they had Law, but they didn’t have the hope of Christ in them. If you could get Christ in them, even a situation that has adultery in it could be healed. Because the power of Christ in the marriage could supernaturally heal and deliver the complicated multiple flesh. We are in a New Covenant time. So, I don’t believe that adultery is an absolute reason for divorce. We have the power of Christ in us, but sometimes people get confused. They get deceived. They make bad decisions and then it is recognized we made a bad decision. We are destroying the relationship. The New Covenant provisions of mercy and grace are supernatural forces that can make relationships new again. It is supernatural testimony of life and testament to the goodness, kindness, mercy, and triumph of God in all things. If you have experienced a divorce in your past, make this a new day for your time called now. We can’t undo the past, but we can avoid the pitfalls of a previous path if we pay attention to the life we have today.



Ted J. Hanson


Two more courses video recorded in Portuguese. 

Please help me reach the nations. 

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson


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The Death of a Marriage


I am continuing to see God do good things during my time in Portugal. Last week we made a great measure of progress in recording two more training courses with Portuguese translation. We will finish those courses this week. This weekend I was blessed to minister in another three of the churches here. God is good and He is pouring out His goodness on hungry hearts in Portugal.

I have been addressing the topic of marriage and connecting this to the joining of Christ and His body in heaven and on earth. It is a testimony of the likeness and the image of God made known in a natural world and it creates the foundation for life-giving families in the nations of men. God’s way for marriage is a life-giving covenant of a man and woman. Two different identities are joined together for a greater testimony than themselves. Their differences actually work to bring life in a way that produces life beyond themselves. It is the mystery of the two becoming one. If a marriage of a man and woman has a foundation that says, what can I get from you? – it is destined to fail. What can I get? What do I get? At some point that relationship is going to be tested and someone is not going to be getting what they think they should be receiving. There is going to be a destruction from the life connection between the two. The strength of a marriage covenant is in the giving, not the receiving. But when both partners live from this foundation and for this cause, the fruit of receiving is a part of the supernatural testimony of love.

I don’t believe that marriage ever became what it was supposed to be in the Old Covenant. What held it together was an obligation to the law and sometimes challenges came in that relationship. So, Moses permitted a certificate of divorce. Divorce means to totally destroy and pronounce dead. When two individuals become one made of two and they are not giving life to one another, something is dying in the relationship. Hearts become hard. They look for life somewhere else. Looking for life somewhere else is not the real problem. The real problem is not being able to find life in the relationship. So, there is a responsibility from both the man and the woman to give life to one another. If I ever say to my wife, you have to submit to me as unto the Lord because that is what God’s word says; she should say to me, Did you read my mail? That was a private letter between my heavenly Father and me. Did you open up my private mail and look at it? When God says to the wife to submit to the husband, He is talking to the wife not the husband. I am not my wife’s teacher; My responsibility is to give life to her. That is what my mail from my heavenly Father says to me. If we mind our own business, we will have a healthy marriage.

In the Old Covenant, Moses permitted a divorce. We have to understand what divorce was about in the Old Testament. Divorce is pronouncing something dead so that freedom can come for the future. God hates divorce because divorce is death, but many couples are dead long before a certificate is given. They may be dead to one another which is an abomination to life. A controlling husband may be holding his wife to the bondage of death by demanding she remain one with him, though he is not giving her life in any way. He may demand that she can’t divorce him because it is against God’s word, but he stopped giving life to her long ago. He hasn’t washed her or watered her with life-giving words for a long time. He never brings her alongside of him in anything. He never includes her in any decisions that they make as us. But he is saying you can’t divorce me; the word of God says you can’t divorce me. The truth is, he divorced her a long time ago when he stopped fulfilling his responsibility of being a life giver.

We could take it the other way. When the wife refuses to receive the life the husband is giving. When she doesn’t believe in who she is for the sake of them together or when she doesn’t believe in who he is for the sake of them together she is binding herself from receiving the life that can be received. When she refuses to come alongside of him as a partner with him in life. When she says, you have to love me, but she hasn’t been making herself available to be loved. When these kinds of things happen there needs to be a miracle, a rebirthing of the one flesh. They have been practicing divorce. When we practice divorce, it eventually manifests for what it is – death of the marriage. When one part of the two-flesh relationship is dead to the other, it causes the testimony of that one flesh relationship to become defiled with death.

Divorce is not merely a certificate; it is the fruit of a death of one or both of the life-giving partners. We must always return to our first love to create new first experiences. Our first love is the testimony of giving our life, and the giving of life, to another. It is as simply as, here I am! I pick you. You were born to be loved by me. I was born to be loved by you.

This same principle is true in our relationship with God as the body of Christ and with our relationships with one another as the many members of that body. God is a life-giver and we must respond to Him as life-receivers and life-givers in all things. It is from this foundation that the family of God will grow in life-giving ways and with testimonies of life in all things.


Ted J. Hanson

I am scheduled to be in Africa next month. I am still believing for the funds to purchase tickets. Some of you have donated to help me and for this I am very grateful. If others of you can donate to help it would be greatly appreciated. I have several tickets yet to buy for the next few months and I am dependent upon your help as God empowers you to join with me for this cause.

Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson


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God’s Plan For Marriage


Today I am in Portugal. We have had a great start here over the weekend with ministry in several churches. This week I am video recording two more training courses with Portuguese translation. I am looking forward to seeing God show up again for the Portuguese people.

I have been writing about God’s foundation for family in the earth. The foundation of the family is a man and a woman. This is more specifically, a joining of the masculine and the feminine attributes of God as they are seen in the testimony of mankind. The fruit of this relationship is life in a multigenerational testimony. The marriage of a man and a woman is the foundation of family and it is a testimony to what God sees as Christ and the church. The church includes the characteristics of a husband and a wife. It is a partnership of life that expands in greater life beyond themselves. We don’t expect the world to understand this. We are not condemning the world for not understanding this. We want to inspire the world to find the true secrets of life that are found in God and in His design for mankind in the earth. In the communities we create, we welcome people of all understanding and from all manner of cultures in the earth. This should be true for whatever container we use to express some form of God’s heavenly community.  This could be a home meeting, a Sunday meeting, a gathering in a café, or a place in the park. To reach people we need a container that they can relate to and desire to come to. We expect people to come as they are, but we also expect to inspire them to become as they were never able to be before. As the church we have done a bad job of this, since we often build our marriages in the same self-seeking, self-gratifying ways that the world does in their confused state of understanding in their search for life.

We don’t expect people of the world to understand what we believe. We want to inspire them by what we believe so their broken lives can be healed, so their families can be restored. So that new things can be created. When they encounter the life-transforming love of God, they too can become an example to others. They and us can perhaps raise children and families that have a different mentality and can change the world. We need to know that in our relationships, our marriages, are based upon a covenant of God’s design. God made a man and a woman to give life to one another knowing their relationship will produce life – spirit, soul, and body. Even if we could not physically have children, something of our lives will have a value for the future generations. So, the wife submits to the husband because the husband is giving life to be received by the wife. She is giving her life to him to receive the life he is giving, and he is receiving the life she is giving so he can give even more life to her. The husband is speaking life-giving words. Words like, I believe in you. You are an awesome part of us. You can do it. He sanctifies her and washes her with life-giving words, impartations of life that he can give to her. He is giving life. She is receiving that life. I believe in you. I am in this with you. We are us. I am going to allow the gifting that I am to contribute to us. I value who you are. Together we are more than we could be in ourselves. Our different ways of thinking make our thinking together greater than is possible by ourselves.

The wife is not there to help the husband do his thing. The church is not joined to Jesus to help Jesus do His own thing. The church is joined to Jesus to fulfill the Father’s will in the earth. Jesus knows this. He is not interested in His will being done. He is interested in the Father’s will being done. He doesn’t give identity to the wife. He expects her to get her identity from the same source as He does as a man. God is the Father of both the man and woman. As husband and wife, they each get their identity from God.

The husband is bringing his wife alongside of him as someone who makes decisions on their behalf in the earth. These are decisions in the family, decisions in the home, and decisions in life that represent them as one flesh for the purpose of their destiny in Christ in all things. They represent a corporate testimony. Not a testimony of me, but one of us. This is the mystery of a marriage – a man and woman, a husband and wife. The husband is activating, facilitating, and releasing life to his wife. The wife is being activated, facilitate, and released to produce the fruit of life in their dwelling as one-flesh together. When they have babies, natural or spiritual, those babies are going to grow to become healthy men and women who become families with the substance of giving and not getting.

This is the picture perfect sinerio. I don’t know of anyone who has arrived in this yet. This does not exist yet in its perfect and fullest form. My wife and I are growing in this. We have been together 42 years and my wife is more herself today than when we got married. She doesn’t look like me, she looks like herself. But really, she looks like us. I look like us. In marriage a man and woman come together, and they become one flesh. They were complete and whole as single individuals. Nothing is lacking in a single man or a single woman. Nothing is lacking in their identity. Everything they need is in God. But then they come together in relationship, what was this one and that one now become one made of two. In my example, Bonnie Shupert and Ted Hanson were individuals that were healthy and whole, but then they got a revelation. We are supposed to be together. Until death to part. Something new was created. Bonnie Shupert became Bonnie Hanson but really, she became Bonnie and Ted Hanson. Ted Hanson became Ted and Bonnie Hanson. From the moment of that covenant there is no longer an individual Ted Hanson. If you see Ted Hanson, you see Ted and Bonnie Hanson. If you see Bonnie, you see Bonnie and Ted Hanson. No matter where we are on planet earth, we are one. Not just physically. It is spirit, soul, and body. This is a marriage. It is God’s design for marriage. Each man and woman fulfill the attributes of God. They should give, give, give, and not get, get, get. This is true for both the man and the woman. In giving life to one another, life is birthed; and it creates the nucleolus of a family that gives life to the world. It is the fruit of giving, not the benefits of getting. This same testimony should be in the many membered communities of the body of Christ. We are bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh to be the testimony of the fullness of Him who fills all in all. It is a mystery; thus, it is God’s way and not merely the way of men.


Ted J. Hanson

Many of you have sowed seed to help us in our role of bringing New Covenant life and grace to the nations. Thank you very much. I will be headed to Angola, Africa in April. I May I will be in Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, and England. Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

Posted in #graceculture, #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | 1 Comment

Giving Life – The Foundation of Family


Today I am in Bellingham. I am looking forward to meeting with some leaders this morning and discussing Generational Leadership. We had a great weekend at Alife. Lots of prophetic activation in the house. God’s presence and God’s family was a blessing.

Paul wrote words describing a marriage of a husband and a wife, a man and a woman, in the fifth chapter of the book of Ephesians. Paul was specifically describing the relationship of Jesus and the church, but his words can also be used to understand the true relational function of a man and a woman in the covenant of marriage. Paul said that the wife is to submit to her husband as unto the Lord, she is to submit to him as the church does to Christ, and she is to submit to him in everything.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

In the futile environment of the fall of man, if the man is a bad man, if the man is a taker, these instructions can be a disaster for the woman. If the husband is a taker in his beliefs, actions, imaginations, and influence her submission to him is going to be a license for bondage and slavery. These words are not written to the husband, they are written to the wife. They are the criteria for receiving the life that a husband should be giving, as Jesus gives life, breath, and all things as God in the expression of the husband of the wife, the church. I believe the church has excelled in using these words given to the wife as means of creating marriages that are expressions of bondage to what should be an expressive home of life. Every marriage that has failed, has failed because at least one of the partners was a taker or both partners in the relationship were takers. If you are a taker, you cannot live in a relationship that is dependent upon you giving life to the other.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

In Ephesians chapter 5, there are also three things for the husband. He is to love his wife exactly as Jesus did when He died on the cross. If his wife is hating him and shouting crucify him, the husband is supposed to be able to give his live unreservedly for her sake. In reality she should not be shouting crucify him. She is supposed to be be receiving what the husband gives. He is supposed to give life to someone who doesn’t think like him. It would be easier if she just liked football. But she doesn’t think like him. He is supposed to give his life for in in all things and she is supposed submits to him, because he is giving her life. It is difficult for a wife to submit to her husband if he is not giving her life. He is supposed to sanctify and wash her with the water of the word. This is not speaking Scriptures to her or over her in some way. It is sanctifying her with life-giving expressions – life-giving words. It is the action of watering her, encouraging her with life to be an expression of life. She is not his daughter. He is not her teacher. They are partners. He believes in her. He gives life to her to help her become life, the life that she is meant to be in every way. The third thing God says to the man is that he might present her to himself as a church without any spot, blemish, or wrinkle. A church is a word for wife – a governing body joined to him as a husband in every way. The word present means to bring alongside of himself as a church, a governing body, a decision maker with him and on his behalf in all things. He doesn’t see her spots, blemishes, or wrinkles. He sees that she is one with him and he brings her alongside of himself in everything.

This is the foundation of true marriage. It is the foundation for being a source of life to one another in all things. It is the foundation for becoming a family with the fruit of life-giving children to affect the world in a life-giving way. We do not have a picture-perfect example of this in this world, but some are finding increasing measures of this truth as it is seen from heaven’s view and described by Paul in Ephesians, chapter 5. This is the way it is to be in the church with Jesus and His body. We must grow in these realities and we must shine in the night as light of hope to those who have come and are coming from a world of dysfunction and death. We cannot pattern our marriages and families after the ways of the world. We must become testimonies of a heavenly way that offers hope to a world bound to strongholds of death.



Ted J. Hanson

We need to purchase many tickets for the upcoming itinerary.  I will be headed to Angola, Africa in April. We still need to purchase tickets. Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Two Different, Yet One


What a great day yesterday at Alife with the word and ministry of Gary Black. I am very encouraged with the coming season of the hearts of fathers turned towards children and children towards the fathers. This is a season of a multigenerational family of life! Are you ready?

I have been addressing God’s means of filling the earth with His glory. God’s way is one of family. In the beginning, God chose a man and a woman to be the one-flesh unity that produces a multigenerational family of destiny. The mandate to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and have dominion is a mandate of family. God’s dream and vision is the fruit that comes from the unity of a man and woman that give life to one another to become the testimony of the fruit of life in all tings. God’s vision is the two as one, of which He even removes one from the other to present the need for the two being one by the power of choice, love, intimacy, trust, and every aspect of partnership. Genesis chapter two describes man with woman inside of him. When God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into him His breath of life, the mystery of Eve was within him. God was resting in the life of a man with the substance that was to be woman inside of him. Man began to fulfill purpose. He had an inherent understanding of destiny. It was Adam who named the animals. But to be mankind, Adam needed something more. He needed a help-mate. He needed a partnership with someone different than himself, yet an equally gifted and valuable partner. Eve was to be comparable, not competitive. Different but the same. So, God put Adam to sleep and removed a rib and formed the woman. Man and woman were to become one flesh. God said, for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they would become one flesh. What was one and another one, was to come together and become one flesh made of the two. The woman is not swallowed up by the man nor is the man swallowed up by the woman. But two opposites become a whole. I don’t care what that looks like scientifically. God simply told Moses to write it the way it is written for the sake of understanding covenant, love, purpose, and life. It may be exactly as it is explained, but to me the more important thing is the principle of it is absolutely true. For anyone who wants to make a judgment of me for this, I didn’t say it isn’t how it happened. I am simply saying that is not the point. How it happened is not as important as discovering the mystery in how it is described. I am not smart enough to know all the details. It is not the point. The point is a man and a woman become one as two and this is the resource to greater identity, testimony, and the purpose of God in all things. In a family, many members become one family for the greater identity, testimony, and purpose of God through inheritance of the family name. The family name is greater than any individual name within the family, though each and every member is a one and only and priceless in their value as a family member.

In the New Testament Paul describes marriage in Ephesians 5:22-33. Paul says it is really about Christ and the church. He writes that the church is one with Jesus and the church is bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh. Jesus sees her, the body of Christ, as part of Himself. She sees Him as the head of the body and understands that she is one with Him. But this is also a perfect testimony that we find in marriage. This testimony is not meant to be a law that kills anyone. It is meant to be a testimony that shows us the basic unit of family and life. It is not meant to be a testimony that condemns those who have not yet discovered the mystery. It’s meant to be a shining light in the darkness that invites those in darkness to find the light. It is meant to be a beacon of hope to those bound to the hopeless cycles of self-identifying, self-seeking, self-sufficient, and self-gratifying destinies. Marriage as God designed it is the resource to true life. I believe that Jesus came as a man to restore the basic unity of life. He came to restore Adam and Eve, the likeness and the image of God the Father in human form. The foundation of family is a male and a female together revealing who the Father is. They reveal who God is in His character, nature, way, power, and authority. The result is a natural and supernatural fruit of multigenerational life. It is not a covenant of needs being met, but of destiny being fulfilled. In this the needs of each are wonderfully met in natural and supernatural ways. Who is God? He is life! He gives life, breath, and all things. He is a giver and an expander of life. God intends for the substance of family to be able to produce life – spirit, soul, and body.

If we read the verses in Ephesians chapter 5 it starts as instructions to wives. They are to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord. Not women to men, but a wife to her husband. She is to submit just as the church submits to Christ. She is to submit to her husband in everything. It doesn’t say women to submit to men. It is a wife to her husband just as the church is to Christ. It is testimony to covenant partnership in everything. It is a testimony to the power of relationships that live for the greater purpose of the whole and the fruit of destiny. To submit is to give your live to be joined to one who also gives life. It is to open yourself up to be a receiver of the force of love that causes love to expand to the world in a generational destiny. It is to be relationally joined in order to receive the life that is being given and to reciprocate with the testimony of that life. The text in Ephesians chapter 5 also reveals that the husband is to love his wife as Jesus loves and gave His whole life on the cross for the sake of His help-mate in the earth. He is to wash her with life-giving words, as Jesus washes and sanctifies the church. He is to bring her alongside of himself in everything without seeing any spot, blemish, or wrinkle in who she is. She is his wife; bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh in all things. This is the foundation of marriage and it is the foundation of the church as the wife of Jesus, the body of Christ to the headship of Christ in all things. This is why the enemy forms weapons against the basic structure and unity of family, the marriage of a man and a woman as one flesh for the identity, testimony, and purpose of God in all things. Salvation is not merely a matter of humanity going to heaven when they die. It is a matter of restoring the heavenly identity, testimony, and destiny of mankind through the relational aspects of a man and a woman, Jesus and the church, for the will of the Father in all things.


Ted J. Hanson

IF YOU HAVE TRIED TO POST A COMMENT IN THE PAST MONTHS, WE APPOLOGISE. Some months back we had to increase our web security and in the process the ability to post comments became blocked. THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. Please feel free to post your comments and send us your feedback.

We need to purchase many tickets for the upcoming itinerary.  Tickets have been purchased for my trip Portugal for a few weeks in March to do some ministry as well as more video recording for Angola and other Portuguese speaking places. I will be headed to Angola, Africa in April. HEIP US WITH OUR MISSION TO AFRICA. Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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God’s Way Is Family


Today is my last day in Las Vegas after several days with Aaron, Amani, Kaden, and Zaria. Family is a wonderful gift and Bonnie and I are very rich to have such a wonderful family. We are blessed to return to Vegas again in the next months, though sad to leave today. Thus is life!

God’s perfect way of filling the earth is as a family. As a Christ-centered, Christ-empowered community, we should be a welcoming family to people in the world who have not known the love, culture, way, power, or authority of true family. We should understand what it is that makes a family and we should exhibit the attributes of true family life to others. In God’s design there was Adam and Eve, a man and a woman, who were to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and have dominion in the earth. This is the means by which mankind would take the fruitfulness of the God of the garden to the barren places of the earth. Adam and Eve weren’t just together for their own personal pleasure, but there was great pleasure in their love for one another – spirit, soul, and body. The result was partnership, babies, family, purpose, and all manner of life. They weren’t having sex to produce babies, their intimacy with one another was producing babies. Love was creating an environment for healthy family. A family of clear identity, testimony, and purpose of life. They were experiencing one another deeply. Life was happening that could then subdue the world around them, the attribute of expanding life. It could bring dominion, an attribute of the expansion of who they truly were. True dominion is to make life stable and expanding. Their relationship would be that of a real family that produces more real families that will also produce more real families.

When we look at the world, we easily see dysfunctional families. Families without fathers, with many fathers, or with no mothers. Some have created families with two fathers or two mothers. There are many families that are broken, divided, and split. In cultures today, families are looking for life. Men and women are looking for life. They don’t know that God is the way to life. They are not seeking God nor are they seeking His patterns. They are seeking to follow their own hearts to do what is right in their own sight. They are creating need-based love, need-based families, and need-based cultures in the societies of the world. God doesn’t hate them for that. He wants them to find the path of life. When we find Christ, we are not exempt from living in the world, but we are able to find the mystery of Christ in us that can heal our dysfunctions. We have a choice. We can embrace the ways of the world and try to make God fit into our self-focused, self-delusional, self-destined lives or we can embrace God’s ways, find His paths, be changed by His heart inspired law of love, and become an expression of His community as families in the earth. Every one of us come from homes that are not as they should be, but God wants to heal us in a generational way. We should not be as dysfunctional as the world. We should be salt and light to the world. The only way that this is possible is for us to find the likeness and the image of God in our own lives. We must become givers of life and break the dysfunctional patterns of the world. When we break the patterns of the world in our own lives and families, we open a path for others to follow. We change the world for our children and our children’s children. We come from the cultures of single moms, single dads, broken homes, failed marriages, many divorces, men with men, and women with women and other forms of need based relationships. We have complicated environments where people are looking for life in some form of community, in some form of connection, and some form of belonging in relationship. We cannot condemn them for that, we have to demonstrate the answers. We cannot condemn ourselves where we have contributed to these things, but we must find God’s grace to transform the world for our children and our children’s children. We must be loved and demonstrate love into the environment where the answers are. We must be empowered and empower others to embrace the culture of the kingdom of heaven. When we accept the natural way of our lives as the ground for God’s supernatural power to work, our dysfunctions become the resource for God’s miracles. We can watch God do miracles as we become dependent upon Him in our ways. When we depend upon God in all of our ways, He heals families, restore families, and make families new again. We must allow Him to reveal Himself as a Father to the fatherless. This is our highest priority. Life, restoration of life, redemption, reconciliation, and a recreating of our lives is in the hands of God. Christ in us is the power to make things new again in a multigenerational way. The secret is to see Christ as precious. We cannot live without Him. He is the way, we are not the way for Him to conform to. He is the way to transform our lives in every way.


Ted J. Hanson

IF YOU HAVE TRIED TO POST A COMMENT IN THE PAST MONTHS, WE APPOLOGISE. Some months back we had to increase our web security and in the process the ability to post comments became blocked. THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. Please feel free to post your comments and send us your feedback.

We need to purchase many tickets for the upcoming itinerary.  I will be headed to Portugal for a few weeks in March to do some ministry as well as more video recording for Angola and other Portuguese speaking places. I will be headed to Angola, Africa in April. Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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God Defines Family


Today I am in Las Vegas with my family that lives here. My wife and I are blessed to be in the home of our son, his wife, and two of our grandchildren. This is a place where life is good. It is a place where love lives, love grows, and love overcomes all things. This is another place of wealth in the earth.

As believers in Christ, we should be a testimony of salt and light to the world. We do not condemn people in the world for acting like people in the world. We should simply shine as lights in the night. We don’t shine to condemn the darkness, but to be a beacon of hope and an example of life by which those in darkness can find their way. Salt preserves, purifies, and heals. We are commissioned by God to bring life and healing to the world.  When people come to us, we want them to see healthy lives and healthy families that inspire others to seek to know what we are growing to know. God is the only Father who can truly define family. Our path to becoming family as God defines family is not found in our abilities, but in our ability to receive God’s grace to become the family that God as called us to be.

People in the world have many opinions about what constitutes true family. Those opinions are formed by past experiences of pain, dysfunction, and abuse of some kind. We have all come from some measure of dysfunction in family, but God wants to heal the family. He wants to heal the human identity. He wants to redeem, restore, and reinstate the true testimony of family for the generations of mankind. Family is God’s means of filling the world with life. We can count on the fact that the evil one, the devil, seeks to destroy family and any life that produces life in a generational way. The devil wants humanity to live for themselves and to establish relationships that are based upon meeting human needs. God wants to do more than merely meet human needs. He wants to empower human destiny. Our choice of independence from God has caused us to battle a spiritual battle from the heavenlies. Jesus made a way for us to boldly come to God’s throne of empowerment. He understands our world and the things we face. He understands the weapons that have been formed against us. God wants us to become the substance of His life in the earth in an intimate and powerful way. When we become dependent upon Him, we become increasingly like Him. We become givers of life and the result is the meeting of every need in our lives in an amazing way. The goal is not to meet our own needs, but the fruit is life and satisfaction. The goal is to become givers of life to one another is God is a giver of life in all things.

What does God say about the basic unit for family? If we lay down all of our opinions all of our ideas and we look to what God says we see that the beginning of family is with a man and a woman. The Bible records the story of the beginning from God’s perspective as Moses was inspired to write it from His personal encounter with the manifest presence of God. The story as it is recorded in Genesis is not one of human perspective, but of God’s. Genesis chapter one is from God’s vision from heaven. God saw mankind as both male and female and that the fruit of their relationship would be both natural and spiritual. They were to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and have dominion in the earth. They would naturally produce children who would also produce children in an increasing generational way. They would also bring life to the world in a spiritual way by subduing and exercising dominion. These attributes are found in the nature of God. Mankind was created in the likeness and the image of God, male and female. What is that likeness and image? God does not need anything. He gives life, breath, and all things. He doesn’t get His identity from a place of need. He is a giver and not a taker. To be in the likeness and the image of God is to be like Him in His character, nature, way, power, and authority. To be like Him, mankind must be givers and not takers. They must be able to do so in a generational way. This involves both a man and a woman. It involves a man giving life to a woman and a woman receiving that life. In turn, the woman gives life to the man and even more. It becomes generational. The fruit is the giving of life to offspring, the fruit of relationship. The purpose is not carnal like the flesh of animals, or merely natural like the substance of plants or trees. The purpose is greater because it includes the ability to subdue the barrenness of the world and to exercise dominion over all of creation. These two things cannot be based upon merely meeting human needs; but must be the fruit of life. They must be the fruit of being loved. To subdue is to destroy death with life. To exercise dominion is to manifest as truth and thus crumble every lie. By these two things life expands in the earth to even effect the heavens.

When we create relationships based upon human need we create dysfunctional realities of family. When we allow God to create our relationships from the place of being loved by Him, we become givers of life to one another. This creates family as God desires it to be. There is a clear identity of that which is male and that which is female. These two things are very different, but together they create a whole that is greater than any one person alone. It creates a mystery of relationship that is only truly found in the heart of God.

I am not writing these things to condemn those who come from cultures of the world that see family as a place of meeting one’s own needs. We have all been affected by this thinking and it has caused our relationships with one another and in the context of family to be damaged and even destroyed. When this happens, humanity does foolish things in seeking to create relationships according to their own likeness and image. When we do this, we leave the original blueprint. We become copies of copies of copies, until everything of the original design has become twisted and perverted to become something that God never had in mind for mankind. The mystery is dependent upon God, the giver of life. He is the key to a man dwelling with a woman and a woman dwelling with a man. He is the key to a man understanding a woman and a woman understanding a man. He is the ingredient that causes the relationship of a man and woman to become the substance of life-giving ways to children and children’s children.


Ted J. Hanson

IF YOU HAVE TRIED TO POST A COMMENT IN THE PAST MONTHS, WE APPOLOGISE. Some months back we had to increase our web security and in the process the ability to post comments became blocked. THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. Please feel free to post your comments and send us your feedback.

We need to purchase many tickets for the upcoming itinerary  Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Church & The Place of Gathering


Today I am in Bellingham and it appears that we have finally found a bout of winter. A little white snow on the ground and we are off to a week of chilly weather. Yesterday was great at Alife, as Pastor Jonathan shared his story growing up in the environment of the church.

As pastors and leaders, we have a responsibility to lead the family of God to mature in becoming people of mercy and grace. As the community of Christ, we must embrace growing in the character, nature, way, power, and authority of Christ. The Holy Spirit within the heart of the believer is the true teacher of each and every person. The external voice of leadership is simply an aid to help each person be obedient to the faith from their heart. Someone who has been a believer for some time should have more expectations upon them because they are growing in a relationship with God. They should increasingly embrace a Christlikeness and a letting go of the self-seeking, self-gratifying ways of the world. There is a way of Christ that they should embrace with evidence of growing maturity. My instructions and admonitions to someone who has been a believer for a while is going to be different than for a new believer. I would hope that our communities would take on an atmosphere that invites people who don’t know what to believe yet, while at the same time embracing a path to maturity.

We get all concerned with what should or should not happen in the weekly church meeting. The church is not a place we go to. The church is a living organism, a body filled with Gods presence. We’ve created structures we call church. Those structures are not really the church, they are places the church gathers. I think there should be places the church can gather along with curious people also. The Holy Spirit will move upon the hearts of people and when this happens, they need a place to go that identifies as being a place to find God. They are looking for something that may be God. When God moves upon someone’s heart, they often look for a church. This was true for me when I found God forty-six years ago. I found God in my heart, but part of my journey involved a community of believers that met as a church.

That place of gathering should include a quality element of true church, the living body of the presence of God. If the church is people who are in relationship with God, we should have expectations of what happens in the church; a living organism, 24-hours per day, seven days per week. We don’t put the same requirements or expectations on the building or location that we use to invite people to gather in as we do for the organism called church. If we do, we will create monasteries or religious caves of some kind. I am not opposed to having a place on Sunday where we gather together to be a community. I think we should gather in homes, in the bakery, at the park, by the river, in the coffee shop, or at the restaurant where we have a meal. We should meet at the beaches, in our homes, or any place that people like to come together. We are looking to connect in relationships with people. We want to give them an example of our lives in relationship with God and invite them on that same journey. What happens in whatever facility we meet in is not necessarily the same thing that should be happening in the church, the living organism made of people relationally connected to God and one another by the Spirit.  When the New Testament Scriptures were written concerning what happens in the church, there was no building called the church. In the church, is in the direction of the church. In the church is in relationship with human beings as the habitation of His presence. We must remember that the most important thing is His presence. Without being a place of His habitation we are not the church. We are merely a place of human gathering.

We should all be helping people on the journey of coming to faith in Jesus Christ. The church is a living organism, not a place we go to. I am not opposed to having a place we go. In my own history as a pastor, I was reluctant to put a cross on my building. I thought it was a little religious. I bought a building that was like a warehouse building and only some recognized it as a church. I felt inspired by the Holy Spirit to put a cross on the outside of the building and the very first week we started getting seeking what to believe people coming to the church. They were curious about God and somehow, they identified a building with a cross on it as a place to find God. So, it worked to get guests and visitors to come to our place of corporate gathering. Every week there were many. When they came, they found that God was living in human lives. The atmosphere of the family was an atmosphere of God’s presence and love.

Typically, people look for a place to find God when Holy Spirit moves on their hears. I cannot expect them to act like Christ when they come. Our Sunday morning meeting was like a room in the house that could invite guests. We as believers who are part of the organism of the church, must understand the values of covenant so when people come to us, they see the testimonies of our lives and they know that there is a more perfect way to life. God’s perfect way of filling the earth is as a family. We should be a welcoming family. We should understand what it is that makes a family. Most of all, we must be a family that is a habitation of God’s presence. This is the spiritual house of God.


Ted J. Hanson

IF YOU HAVE TRIED TO POST A COMMENT IN THE PAST MONTHS, WE APPOLOGISE. Some months back we had to increase our web security and in the process the ability to post comments became blocked. THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. Please feel free to post your comments and send us your feedback.


We need to purchase many tickets for the upcoming itinerary  Please donate to House of Bread Ministry and help us reach the nations and generations with the word and impartation of New Covenant Life and Grace. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Informing Teachers Lead to the Transforming Teacher


Today I am in Bellingham after a great and challenging weekend at Alife and our conference concerning knowing coming to wholeness in our journey in Christ. I am going to continue on my topic of last week concerning the prophecy that I released September 24, 2004.

The iniquity in the human heart is the weakness that leads to transgression and sin. It is the vulnerable place within us that needs a visitation of God. It is the place that only a habitation of God can transform. It is the place of weakness within us that must discover God’s manifest presence and healing. God is releasing a grace for a grassroots revolution in the midst of humanity that heals the weaknesses of our hearts and causes us to become a testimony of being the people of God. The inherited characteristics of weakness are going to be transformed by the characteristics of Christ within us. Our potential character as sinners is going to be overcome by our ability to embrace Christ within and be transformed to the character of God in our lives.

I have been contemplating the prophetic word to remove the headship of promiscuity and legalism and how God is performing His will in the nations concerning this reality. In the natural it seems to be a day of division, dysfunction, and death; but God is offering His supernatural grace to cause His people to rise up with a welcome call, an overcoming testimony, and Christ’s supernatural power for restored destinies. Outside of Christ men and women are bound to the times and the seasons of a natural world, but in Christ we are given the power of heaven’s grace. God wants to invade the earth with heaven’s grace. As I have been contemplating the removal of lawlessness and legalism God reminded me of the words of Jesus concerning what is the best in the Old Covenant administration.

Luke 7:28 “I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” (NAS)

Outside of Christ, law without Pharisaism is the best teacher. Lawlessness is not a good teacher at all. It sets no boundaries for truth. Truth is not meant to be a rule of information in our lives. Truth is a person. Jesus is the truth in human form and each of us are called by God to be a testimony of truth in some measure. We are each called to reveal who God is in human form. Our identity, testimony, and destiny are hidden in Christ and even predestined in Christ. We must find ourselves in Christ to discover it. Law without Pharisaism is not going to change us. It is only a surface testimony of the One who is God. God wants to change our character, nature, way, power, and authority from within. Being born again is a miracle. It is something supernatural. Christ in humanity can create a human life that could be accused of being Christian, but merely embracing a religious form called Christianity will not transform our lives. We must not let true Christianity be classified a merely a religion among many religions in the world. All paths of religion lead to nothing, but only Christ in humanity leads to the glory of God.

When we allow a characteristic of a crook or a bent of weakness to become the character of our lives, we move beyond merely a potential characteristic and we become someone we were not destined to be. We become a testimony of twisted truth to who we are intended to be as a man or a woman of God.  When we do this, we think we are being real to who we are, but it is a distortion of who we were meant to be. Each of us are responsible to turn to the Lord in our hearts and see God transform our iniquities to testimonies of His healing grace. It begins with being born again and then it is lived out by embracing an environment of the Spirit of Christ, not merely living independently as the spirit, soul, and body of a human life. Being born again doesn’t empower God to love us more, it simply empowers us to see His love. Unless we see His love, we cannot embrace His love. Unless we embrace His love, we cannot be changed by His love. Being changed doesn’t empower God to love us, it empowers us to be a testimony of His love. This is a love for God, a love for others, and even a love for ourselves as it should be. We cannot belittle the supernatural miracle of the new birth experience, the ability to be translated from the kingdoms of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love. It is the ability to choose to live in and from the throne room of God’s grace. It is there we reach out and receive His mercy and daily look to find His grace to reign in life.


Ted J. Hanson


Please consider making a donation at the link on this page or by sending a donation to House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA. 98225.

Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.


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