Cheerful Endurance

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Today Bonnie and I are very blessed to be with our family in Northern California. This is where our son Aaron, his wife Amani, our grandson Kaden and granddaughter Zaria live now. We are having the best of times in the place of family love. This is truly the richest thing in life. I think we should see God is the same way we see the family dynamic of love.

It is great to be the place where God lives. Not just a place where God visits, but a place where God lives. God has always wanted a place of dwelling in the earth. That is His family. The family of God lives with a culture of grace. A culture of grace is also a culture of mercy. We cannot truly know the grace of God without first, and continually, knowing the mercy of God. God doesn’t just have a measure of mercy for us in life. He has and endless supply! His mercy is new every day for us and His grace is sufficient for us to overcome all things. This is not an overcoming by the power of our own flesh, but by the empowerment of God’s sevenfold Holy Spirit working in our lives. It does involve our willingness to receive Him and to pursue Him, but it is ultimately His manifest presence in our lives that gives us another measure in the testimony of His salvation of our lives.

When we face pressures in life, it is not a sign that the devil is having victory over us. Even when we fail in some way, it is not the final story in the testimony of our salvation. Our weakness can be the very place where God does His best work. We have the treasure of Christ within us and it is Christ in us that is the hope of glory in every season of our lives. The pressures of life are the very things that reveal the hidden truth within us. Christ in us is the hope of glory! If Christ is in us, then the pressures of life should manifest the testimony of Christ in us to the world around us.

Romans 5:1-5 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.  Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Tribulations are the pressures of life. At the writing of this Scripture by the apostle Paul, that tribulation was a matter of life and death. In some parts of the world this is true today. For those of us in the west it is not the tribulation of life and death, but the tribulation of life that challenges our faith in God. It is hardly a comparison, but it is true for most in the western church culture. In any case, the pressures of life lead to the perseverance of our faith. I believe that the tribulation in our lives can also include our own human failures. When we fail, we must find God’s grace to overcome. It is a matter of hearing God in our hearts, when our minds tell us we should not be able to. Remember, it is God’s love that qualifies us and not our strength in the flesh. God wants us to learn to persevere. The Greek word used hear, implies two ingredients. It contains the ingredient of endurance and it also contains an ingredient of cheerfulness. It is cheerful endurance. Cheerful endurance is the key to activating the character of Christ within us. If we decide to be miserable while in the midst of our circumstances we appeal to the old nature of the flesh, but if we stand with cheerful endurance we draw on the life of Christ within us, then the life of Christ within us can manifest. This manifests the character attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22, 23). These are the substance of the fruit of the Spirit within us. When this happens, we manifest the testimony of Christ in a measure of His glory. This is the testimony of hope. Christ in us is the hope of glory.


Ted J. Hanson

Thanks to everyone who has helped support House of Bread and make it possible to purchase our travel tickets for September. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.

We are still in need of more funds for ticket purchase for October, and November. Please pray with us that the provision of God will be loosed so we can do all God has called us to do in this season. If God gives you the means to help, please consider making a donation to House of Bread Ministry. 

Thanks Again – Ted J. Hanson

Donations can be made at the link on the home site of: or

Checks can be made payable to House of Bread Ministry and sent to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

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Peace Leads To Grace

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Today I am in Wisconsin. I had a great family reunion on Saturday. It was good to see much of the family. My oldest brother is now 88, that tells you that getting together gets more valuable every year. I am also blessed to be with a friend of over 50 years these past days as well. Relationships are truly treasures and people must never be forgotten.

What does it mean to increasingly know the salvation of God in our lives? God’s mercy empowers our forgiveness in the midst of our failures in life. He is great! He loves us. He is also good, and He is mercyFULL. His mercy gives us the ability to know His greatness and His greatness gives us the ability to stand again in life to know that He is also good. He is the one who transforms our hearts and minds to live as new creations in Him. It is not by our own human strength that we prove we are new creations. It is by God’s grace that He demonstrates we are new creations in Him. God’s grace transforms our lives to no longer be creators of the same debts of death that put us in need for God’s mercy in our lives. God’s grace empowers us to reign in life, but there is a process by which grace works. It is not just a magic process with no involvement on our part. It involves our ability to find the power of His manifest presence working in our lives.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

We find God’s grace in the place of His presence working in our lives. This is the source of our salvation in Christ. God loves us! He is great, meaning He has the power to demonstrate His love to us in all things. He is also good, meaning He has the power to change us in all things. Who He is reveals what He can do. When we know that God is great, we hear His voice in our hearts. When we hear God in our hearts the result is faith. I think the greatest revelation of God’s greatness is a revelation of His love in our hearts and minds. When we know He loves us, we hear His life-giving words in our hearts. Faith justifies us to live and demonstrates that we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is a place of no gap between us and God. It is not dependent upon what we have done, but upon what God did for us through His gift of love in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

We have access to God eternally. This verse guarantees us heaven when we die, but it also guarantees our access to God every day of our life here upon the earth. When we know Him, we can know this. It comes by faith. When we hear Him in our hearts it is made real in our lives. It becomes real in our lives when we boldly come to His throne and receive our gift. It is true for all human beings, but each of us must come to Him to receive our gift. When we boldly come and receive His mercy, we know His peace. There is no more shame or condemnation. It doesn’t matter what we have done or who we are.

Romans 5:2 …through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

God’s peace in our lives is a testimony of the power of His mercy, but knowing His mercy gives us the ability to also know the power of His grace. It is a part of our working relationship with God in life. Standing implies overcoming. Standing is a prophetic term for possessing the land and receiving the inheritance given to us by God. The Bible teaches that the enemy is under the soles of our feet. Jesus is held up in the heavens until all His enemies are placed under the soles of His feet. The feet of Jesus are the feet of the body of Christ. The enemies of God are to be under the feet of the people of God. Wickedness is overcome and we stand upon our possession. We stand upon our inheritance. God doesn’t just want us to go to heaven when we die. He wants us to invade the earth with heaven’s goodness. He doesn’t just want us to have laws that deal with injustice issues. He wants to transform our human character, so we no longer act unjust. He wants to change our hearts and minds, so we are not under a law, but we are empowered by grace and our lives cast a shadow that looks like law. Even if we have not lived our lives in the full measure of this testimony to this point, God’s mercy is new today so we can again know the peace of God that grants us access to the working power of God’s grace in our lives. God’s mercy guarantees our ability to stand back up when we fall, but God’s grace works in us to make it so we don’t fall down again.


Ted J. Hanson

Thanks to everyone who has helped support House of Bread and make it possible to purchase our travel tickets for September. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.

We are still in need of more funds for ticket purchase for October, and November. Please pray with us that the provision of God will be loosed so we can do all God has called us to do in this season. If God gives you the means to help, please consider making a donation to House of Bread Ministry. 

Thanks Again – Ted J. Hanson

Donations can be made at the link on the home site of: or

Checks can be made payable to House of Bread Ministry and sent to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

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What Does it Mean to be Saved?

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Today I am headed home after a great weekend in Deming, New Mexico. It was good to be with Pastor Caesar and Irene and my church family here. God is continuing to raise of community connected people of God who connect others to God in the communities of the world. God bless everyone with CitiLife Church here in Deming.

What does it mean to be saved? Jesus was the Father’s gift of love to redeem humanity. Humanity often thinks they need to find a way to get to God, but He wanted us to understand that He desired to make a way to get to us.  Religion alone seeks to get to God by some religious means or human effort, but the intimacy of Christ within us seeks to bring God and heaven into our world through an understanding of His mercy and grace. We were the ones preventing Him from coming near to our hearts. We did not see God as a loving Father; therefore, we saw Him as distant and far away. We thought we needed to attain to some heavenly testimony for Him to see us, but He already saw us; we simply could not truly see Him. Because we could not see Him for who He is, we rejected His presence because His presence would require us to be changed. Changing would not bring His presence, embracing His presence would bring about a thorough and increasing change. We interpreted Him though some paradigm of law or a perception of lawlessness. We often sought to create a world of strict regulations to bind us or a world that is blind to  and separate from God’s world so we could create a reality to our liking. These two things created perceived realities that fall far short of understanding who God really is. God is love and He has always been love. Love is not absent of boundaries nor is it limited by them. Love will destroy anything that is not love, but it does it in the place that is real. It does it in the heart so that the thoughts of our minds become true thoughts of love. The administration of love cannot live in the atmosphere of law or promiscuity because love cannot be contained in law nor redefined in lawlessness. Love creates both the freedom and the boundaries of life, expressions of life, and the working of life in all things.

John 3:18-21 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

God does not condemn the world. The administration of the knowledge of good and evil condemns the world. True light is love. It includes mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation, and all the things of true life. We cannot hold on to a justice system that demands others pay their debts to us when the gift of God to us was one that paid the debts of us all! He paid our debts, but He is also the one who empowers us from within to not recreate the same debts that we created in the past. This is the power of grace. God’s mercy always pays our debts, because He is mercyFULL, but God’s grace transforms our lives to no longer be creators of the same debts of death. Any administration of a knowledge of good and evil acknowledges our debts, but an administration of grace and truth transforms our ways so that we can walk in new paths in life. Outside of Christ there is still a need for all to acknowledge the condemnation that they are bound to because of the administration they embrace. Only in Christ is that condemnation lifted. The New Covenant does not exist for all simply because Jesus died for all. The New Covenant is AVAILABLE to all, but it can only be attained through an exchange of administrations. Mercy is obtained by an acknowledgement of mercy given. God loves us, but we don’t deserve His love. To think we deserve His love is an injustice in the covenant of law and conscience. The justice system of grace is available for all, but one must first receive the end of the justice system of law and conscience. That requires God’s mercy and it can only be obtained through a revelation of the cross.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Romans 5:17 For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

To reign is to be empowered to rule. It is to be empowered to take responsibility for your own life by a different power. Love is a revelation and it includes God’s mercy and His grace. His mercy justifies us to live and His grace empowers us to live in life. It is a transition in the administration of our lives, and it invokes the scandalous justice of God’s love.


Ted J. Hanson

If God has blessed you to bless us, we would greatly appreciate it. We have several tickets to purchase for ministry engagements in September, October, and November. Please pray with us that the provision of God will be loosed so we can do all God has called us to do in this season. If God gives you the means to help, please consider making a donation to House of Bread Ministry. 

Thanks Again – Ted J. Hanson

Donations can be made at the link on the home site of: or

Checks can be made payable to House of Bread Ministry and sent to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

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The Internal Administration

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Bonnie and I were blessed to be at Everyone’s Church yesterday in Mt. Vernon, Wa. As usual, the people were very hungry and receptive to all that God desired to say. Thank you to all who came to receive. Today I am going to use some material that I wrote in a past blog in 2015. I have added some to it to clarify what I feel we need to hear. It is relevant for what I believe is happening in this present time.

To be the house of God, we must embrace the government of God. That government is an internal administration of life. It is the testimony of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit within our hearts. This is the testimony of the kingdom of God and only the internal administration of the kingdom of God can transform the external workings of the kingdoms of men.

The kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of the world. The justice system of the kingdom of God can transform the kingdoms of the world, but until the kingdoms of the world choose to embrace the kingdom of God they are still stuck in the administration of the kingdoms of the world. The administration of the kingdoms of the world is one of the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil. It is an Old Covenant administration and its base of justice is established upon what is right and what is wrong. That administration most commonly becomes expressed as what one thinks is right and what one thinks is wrong. It is a system that constantly battles to define what is good and what is evil. It is self-preserving in its character and therefore the definitions of good and evil within its sphere of influence become defined by its own self-preserving mentality. This is the way of the world. It is the way of the kingdoms of the world. It is the way of the kingdoms of self. Every war is fought over a knowledge of good and a knowledge of evil. Every relationship is disintegrated over a knowledge of good and a knowledge of evil. The only eternal judgment that can release someone bound to a worldly kingdom is one of mercy.  Jesus made that judgment for all of mankind by being a man of love and not a man of law. His exit strategy for the kingdoms of the world is a death of the administration of the kingdoms of the world and a new birth with a new administration in the kingdom of God. Only in Christ can we find the true substance of life. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Secularism, Atheism, Sikhism, Judaism, Shamanism, Satanism, Paganism, Spiritism, Mysticism, Agnosticism, or any other religion of the world is not a way to life. No religion is a way to God; only truth within the human heart can lead to true life. That truth is the person Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God is an internal administration of the Holy Spirit who manifests the character, nature, way, power, and authority of Jesus, the name above all names. Only Christ inside the heart of humanity is the way of life. The kingdom of God can only be discovered within the human heart and the testimony of life is only discovered through Christ in each of us. This is not the same as mere Christianity. It is Christ in the heart of humanity. Religion alone still leaves mankind bound to the system of the knowledge of good and evil, it does not transition us into the administration of true life. Only an administration of love can transition us from the kingdoms of the world to the kingdom of life in Christ.

Colossians 1:13-14 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (NAS)

John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Ephesians 1:7-10 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth…

To live our lives as expressions of Christ’s light, we must embrace the internal kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. We must embrace the kingdom of God. It is an administration to translate our realities from time to eternity. Eternal life is not just sometime in the future. It is to know God as our Father and to know Jesus Christ His Son. It is to know God’s love and to become expressions of God’s love to our world.


Ted J. Hanson

If God has blessed you to bless us, we would greatly appreciate it. We have several tickets to purchase for ministry engagements in September, October, and November. Please pray with us that the provision of God will be loosed so we can do all God has called us to do in this season. If God gives you the means to help, please consider making a donation to House of Bread Ministry. 

Thanks Again – Ted J. Hanson

Donations can be made at the link on the home site of: or

Checks can be made payable to House of Bread Ministry and sent to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Posted in #graceculture, #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | 1 Comment

The Temple of Christ

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Bonnie and I had a great time last week  with a great bunch of people from the Kootenay area of B.C., Canada. Thank you to all that came in the evening to Gary and Marilyn’s house. Your questions were great questions and God showed up in our time of connecting and sharing. Keep the path of hunger and expectation for all that God is going to do.

Being the family of God is all about being the place of God’s manifest presence. It is about being a part of the calling of Christ, the inheritance of Christ, and the purpose of Christ in all things. For this to be true, we must be a place of God’s manifest presence. Christ in us is the hope of Glory. Knowing Christ in us is the testimony of knowing God as our Father and Jesus Christ God’s Son. This is eternal life and the place of God’s eternal life in us is the place where heaven invades our earth.

John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

These words of Jesus to His disciples are also God’s words to us as the family of God. The purpose of Christ in us is not merely life, it is living in the eternal life of God as being the body of Christ joined to Jesus Christ the head of the body in all things. Jesus is the eternal Adam of mankind and the church is the eternal Eve made of one flesh with Jesus in all things. Life that is independent of Jesus Christ is mere human centered life and it will not produce the true expression of God’s life.

The community of God is dependent upon being the temple of God’s Holy Spirit. The temple is not dependent upon the community. The community is dependent upon the temple. The temple of the Holy Spirit will activate, facilitate, and release the community of Christ. Build a temple and you will build the city. Build the city and you may never build the temple. If we try to create some expression of Christ community without the manifest presence of Christ, we will only form a human copy of what we preceive to be Christ-like. Only by a manifestation of Christ in us, the Holy Spirit who comes in the name of Jesus, can we become the true community of Christ. The place of life forevermore, eternal life, is the place where heaven touches the earth. This is the place where the anointing oil on the top of the head of Jesus the eternal High Priest who stands forever as the head of the body of Christ in heaven runs down upon the body of Christ and spills over unto the earth.  Christ is the manifest presence of Holy Spirit in and upon the body of Christ. It is not merely the human spirit that is in all people, it is the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit that God desires to be in and upon all people. The door is open in heaven, but human hearts upon the earth must open to Him to become the place of His habitation upon the earth. This is the testimony of being the temple of God.

Psalms 133:1-3 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing — Life forevermore.

In the Old Testament King Cyrus made a decree to build the temple of God and that decree was in reality a decree to build the city of God (Ezra 1:2; Dan. 9:25). The city of God had to be built because the temple was built (including the law and proper offerings). The word sent to build the city was the physical manifestation of the temple. The temple was the word gone forth. Build a temple and there will be a city. It is just like our Christian walk. If the Spirit who comes in the name of Jesus is in our hearts, if there is a temple, then the work of the city (Christian community life) can be completed. Once the Spirit of Jesus is in our hearts, we are new creations, but it is yet to be further manifested in our lives. God spoke the word to call us, but it didn’t become ‘the word sent forth’ until we received the Spirit that comes in the name of Jesus into our hearts. We had to become a house for His Spirit to dwell in and we had to receive His Spirit to dwell in us to write His law upon our hearts and minds. That law is not the Torah law of the Old Covenant, but the testimony of the Father’s love. We had to become proper ‘burnt offerings’ through the one offering Jesus Christ (Rom. 12:1 – members of the body of Christ). Christian community doesn’t make us the testimony of Christ. Christ in us empowers us to become the testimony of a Christ-like community.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who support House of Bread Ministry. We have several trips coming up in September, October, and November. Please pray for open effective doors, divine connections, Holy Spirit led and anointed ministry, and for the financial means to do all that we need to. 

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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True Unity

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Bonnie and I are presently in Trail, B.C., Canada. We have been meeting with the wonderful people in the area and we were blessed to be at Junction Covenant Church yesterday in South Slocan, B.C., Canada. Thank you, Pastor Jesse Lerch and all of the church family at the Junction. I am looking forward to a week of connections and life-giving experiences with my Kootenay family.

We are living in a time when God wants to reveal unity through diversity. True unity is not found in the place of man being the center of the world. It is found in the place where Christ is in the center of the room. My four-year-old granddaughter, Zaria, was recently video recorded by her parents presenting what I believe to be excellent theology. She had several pillows on the floor in the living room of their house. There was a pillow in the center, small pillows to the side, and two big pillows on either side of the pillow in the center of the room. She explained to her parents that the little pillows were the Holy Spirit. She said, you ride them like a horse. This is good theology. Holy Spirit is a seven-fold Spirit that is like a horse. Riding a horse is prophetically symbolic of moving in the strength of the flesh. Perhaps riding the Holy Spirit like a horse is moving in the power of God’s Spirit and not the power of the flesh. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Might, the Spirit of Knowing, and the Spirit of Fear of the Lord. Like the many little pillows in Zaria’s illustration, Holy Spirit knows exactly what aspect of the Spirit is needed in each and every situation. Zaria also told her parents that the pillow in the middle was Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes in the name of Jesus and does not replace Jesus in the center of the room. In order for us to be able to move in the Spirit we must see Jesus in the center of our lives. We must see Jesus in the center of the room. In the back of the room was a very large pillow. Zaria said that the large pillow behind all the pillows was God. The apostle Paul wrote that all things will be summed up in Christ and that when this happens, Jesus will present all things to the Father. The Father is God. He is behind everything and the object of the summing up of all things in heaven. In the very front of the room on the other side of the pillow representing Jesus was another large pillow. Zaria said that this pillow was the Holy Wife. Perhaps the Holy Wife is the Body of Christ upon the earth. Zaria said that she keeps her songs in the Holy Wife.  The Body of Christ must always be filled with song of life, the song of the Lord, in order to carry the testimony of the Holy Wife. I believe that Zaria’s concept with the pillows is good theology. In order to be the living room of Christ we must be in the place where God in His trinity can be found. Jesus is in the center of the room, God the Father is behind everything, the Holy Spirit is means by which we move forward, and the Holy Wife is what we become with the testimony of the new songs of God for every new season of His will. Good job Zaria! Gopa (grandpa) thinks you have great theology. I think we should all embrace this theology in our lives.

Psalms 133:1-3 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing — Life forevermore.

God doesn’t bless unity; He blesses Zion. Zion is the place of the manifest presence of heaven on earth. It is the place where the anointing oil on the head of our eternal High Priest runs down His face, down His garment, and touches the earth. It is the place where the dew of heaven touches that little hill of Zion. That is where God commands the blessing and that blessing is – Life forevermore! The result is a testimony of unity. Unity is not the starting point; it is the finished testimony. It comes when everyone finds heaven’s grace in the same place. If God simply blessed unity we could all agree to be religious, we could agree to lie, or we could all agree to hate and expect some form of blessing from God. God doesn’t bless our agreement. Our agreement comes from the place of God’s blessing. The place of His blessing is the place of His kingdom invasion in our hearts. That kingdom invasion is one of knowing God and becoming a testimony of Him in the earth. We must be a house of God’s presence before we can be a community of His testimony. We must be a community of His testimony before we can be a people of His purpose. Our Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, and the Lord Jesus Christ are the source of true unity that comes by diverse individual experiences that express the testimony of the Holy Wife among the nations of the world. We must be filled with the song of the Lord; the song of life and love in Christ.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Family Ingredients

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I am now home and I experienced a great week with my family, a great 4thof July celebration, and a wonderful time with my church family in Bellingham. The presence of God was wonderful yesterday as God used many members in our church family to express His presence and His love in intimate and powerful ways. It was great to see the family of God being the family of God. Pastor Jonathan has been ministering on true identity and we must each find our identity in Christ to be a corporate expression of the community of God.


To be the family of God, we must daily embrace a revelation of God’s love so that we are not shaken by natural sight. We must be empowered by faith and faith only works through love. When we take an offense towards someone, we make a judgment of them according to what is naturally true or what we perceive to be naturally true. We make a judgment according to the flesh and then we become defiled towards that person. Our attitude becomes one of self-preservation and not one of responding to the other person in recognition that our being together produces one testimony – a testimony of “us”. The body of Christ is a testimony of the family of God. I believe that perhaps the greatest testimony of the body of Christ is to walk as one with a corporate identity of the calling of Christ, a corporate testimony or inheritance of Christ, and something of the corporate purpose or destiny of Christ in all things. I do believe that there are spiritual powers that resist this commission. I do believe that there is a devil, there are demons, and there are spiritual forces that seek to destroy the family of God in the earth. The family of God, the body of Christ, is to be the fullness of Christ in bodily form and she is to possess the earth by the power of God’s grace and as a testimony of truth. 


Ephesians 1:18 …the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.


The enemy seeks to destroy relationships in the family of God. Many have exited church community and blamed others for their departure, but I believe that most of the time it is the deceiving power of the enemy that causes us to stumble and prevents us from staying the course to become what we are called to be in Christ. When we become defiled it inspires an insubordinate attitude towards the relationship. Submission to those we are joined to is lost and a protection of personal agendas is sought. We become negatively expressive towards the relationship. We don’t see the other as a part of us, so we are willing to destroy them with our attitudes, words, and acts in life. When we become insubordinate, we then become apathetic towards the relationship. We no longer see the need to live to contribute who we are to another. We don’t care about the relationship anymore. We are not awake in our hearts towards them and we no longer see the need for them in our lives. When this happens, we become bound to the logic of our own judgments. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has surpassed any revelation of the tree of life in the relationship. We seek to be separate in our desires, attitudes, visions, and aspirations in life. We find no need for the relationship. The end result is a total destruction of the relationship. Destiny has been laid in the dust and the relationship has been annihilated. There is no more future together and we have found the grave of disconnection, isolation, and disintegration to the corporate purpose of destiny. Offense has led to judgment, judgment has led to defilement, defilement has evolved to insubordination, insubordination has transformed to apathy, apathy has grown to atrophy, and atrophy has now been revealed as death. The relationship has ended. Its end began with an offense, a refusal to stay in a revelation of love. Love is the foundation and love is the substance in the journey of our relationships in life, but love is not merely a feeling. Love is in the giving. The strength of our love must be found in our understanding of calling, inheritance, and destiny. When we know that these three things are essential, we will become passionately committed to staying in the place of love. It is then that love will inspire us to live in and for life-giving relationships.


The Holy Spirit has anointed usas a BODY:

1)   To be motivated for commitment – My future is with you

2)   To be empowered to do works of faith – My heart is with you

3)   To be activated to respond to the testimony of one household – Our footsteps are one

4)   To be enlightened to the testimony of submission to one another – a life-giving shield of togetherness to bring God’s life to our world

5)   To be awakened to give contributions of Christ to one another – we are of one mind and I am dead without you because we are part of the same table, a feasting table of true fellowship

6)   To be drawn to the love of one another – what comes out my mouth and from my life is for you so that we can be us as the family of God

7)   To be impassioned to dedicate our lives to one purpose – an awe of each other for the generations beyond our lives


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson


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Actions Towards Another


I am now on my journey home after a great weekend in Manchester, England with Pastors Elijah and Haley Boswell and Impact Community Church. I had a few days in Northern Ireland with my good friends Stephen and Rita Walkden and got to meet with some lovely Irish believers who have hungry hearts for God.  They want more of His presence. In Manchester we experienced a wonderful time as new believers dedicated families to walk God’s purpose and path. I met a young man who came to Christ the last time I was here and yesterday another lady accepted Christ in her heart after the morning message. Many people are being translated from the power of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love. The goodness and love of God is rising in Oldham and the Manchester area. Thank you, Jesus! You truly are the Savior of all the world!

Today I am again addressing the ingredients of family relationships. We are the family of God and our lives are joined for God’s purpose but in the way of God’s intimate and relational love. Last week I stated that I believe that there are seven attributes of relationships for a family identity, testimony, and destiny. I believe those attributes are the bond and strength of a family relationship. They are: 1) commitment, 2) actions of faith, 3) responses, 4) authority connections (submission), 5) contribution, 6) sacrificial love (communion & community), and 7) dedication to destiny. So far, we have looked at the beginning, which is the level of commitment. Our commitment to God or to another person in a covenant community of Christ is based upon a revelation of love. Without a revelation of love our commitment is going to break when shaken. All relationships are shaken. All relationships experience shaking like an earthquake at times. The earthquake in a relationship is the temptation to take an offence when we experience something offensive in the relationship. We will be offended, but we must choose to stay in a place of love. We must choose to not take an offense when something offensive happens. If we become offended, we will forsake the place of love and we will be tempted to embrace making a judgment of some kind according to our natural experience and natural understanding in some way. Our actions will change toward the other partner or partners in the relationship. When we are offended by God, we make a judgment of God in our hearts according to what we see to be naturally true or what we think is naturally true. The result is a change in our actions towards God. It manifests as a change in our heart’s desire. Our attitude changes and the evidence is seen in how we act toward God. The same is true in our relationships with one another. When we take an offense, we make a judgment according to the flesh. We make a judgment according to what is naturally true or according to what we think is naturally true. We back off in our connection towards the other person. We are unable to make sacrifices of faith towards them because we see the sacrifice and not the liberty of love’s expression.

A revelation of love will motivate our hearts to believe we are committed to one another because our future is together. We do not see our future without one another. We don’t consider an option of disconnection, only an inspiration to move forward together. When we know our future is with another, we make faith inspired sacrifices towards that person. This is how it is in our relationship with God. We are empowered from within to do works of faith that demonstrate our hearts are with the one we love. This same principle is true in any covenant connected community expression of God. Relationships are empowered by God’s grace working in our lives. A commitment inspired by love will empower actions of love towards those we are in relationship with. The evidence is seen in our actions towards them. When we become offended with another person, we make judgments of them according to what is true naturally or according to what we think is naturally true. Natural truth and natural perceptions will produce the same result in that when it is connected to an area of offense it produces a judgment according to the flesh and not according to faith. Those judgments are birthed in the environment of fear, a fear of our own death in some way in the relationship. Our actions will become ones of judgment and will not be acts of love towards another. When we make a judgment of another, we then become defiled in the relationship. Rather than responding to the other partner we seek to isolate and separate from the relationship. We no longer see the need for a testimony as one and thus we seek to protect our own individual identity. The strength of relationship is always inspired by a revelation of love that empowers actions of love towards one another. This will lead us to a greater understanding of standing as two being one. It is the ability to see that our future is with another, our hearts are with them with external evidence of the actions of our lives, and our footsteps are as one as we respond to one another to become a greater testimony together than we could be apart.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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Spoken Blog:


Today I am in the Netherlands with pastors Bruce and Angelique Wijnen of House Of Praise Ede. We had a great weekend exploring our path of Navigation in Christ for this year in the journey of God’s grace. Yesterday we experienced being the house of God’s presence. He is a life-giving stone and we are life-giving stones of faith, hope, and love declaring that God is great, God is good, and His mercy endures forever. It’s great being the family of God with God in our midst!

I believe that there are seven attributes of relationships for a family identity, testimony, and destiny. I believe those attributes are the bond and strength of a family relationship. They are: 1) commitment, 2) actions of faith, 3) responses, 4) authority connections (submission), 5) contribution, 6) sacrificial love (communion & community), and 7) dedication to destiny. Relationships begin with a commitment to the family identity, inheritance, and purpose. The commitment is empowered by a revelation of love. This is the way of family. When a child is born into an environment of family love and lives in an environment of family love, they can receive a revelation of living for the family name. They want to be like their parents when they grow up. They want to be like the ones they know love them. This includes the fabric of things past and things present. It includes grandparents, parents, and now children who will eventually become children’s children and beyond. They will become a family that produces families that increase the family name in diverse and increasing measures. I believe that this is also the way of a spiritual family – a Christ-centered community of life. This is the way of spiritual parents and spiritual children. This is why the apostle Paul boasted that his spiritual son Timothy would remind others of himself. The inheritance of the family name was more important than mere spiritual gifting or anointing. It was the influence of a family character, nature, way, power, and authority. It is the way of spiritual fathers and mothers to spiritual sons and daughter. For this to happen, there has to be a revelation of love to empower a commitment to the family name that can overcome all things. Every relationship is tested. Relationships will be shaken when our own wills are shaken in a way that we perceive to be a losing of our own lives in some way. When we think our way is going to be lost, we tend to be offended by the will of another. It is like an earthquake. Our natural understanding and our natural perceptions are shaken in some way. We are tempted to take an offense because something in the relationship is offensive to us. We cannot live lives that are free of offenses, we can only choose to never take an offense when shaken in our own place of standing. Life is not fair, nor is life intended to be always easy. It is very often meant to be an environment that can overcome all manner of death. Love overcomes hate and even perceived hate. Forgiveness overcomes unforgiveness and even perceived unforgiveness. Faithfulness overcomes unfaithfulness and even perceived unfaithfulness. The list can be endless in the diversity of offenses that can come into our hearts and minds in the process and journey of relationship. This is the true measure of love. The enemy wants us to experience relationships from the view of receiving and not giving. When this happens, the unfair situations or the perceived to be unfair situations that arise in family life can overcome our thinking and tempt us to embrace a victim mentality rather than one of overcoming love. Love requires grace! Grace is entered by faith and then it is tested in the path of circumstance. Faith only works through love, so love is essential for faith to thrive and grow.

Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

In the place of grace there is always testing. Testing is some form of tribulation of pressure towards our ability to stand fast in love. Tribulation or pressure of some kind is an essential part of every relationship. It is what proves the inner strength of Christ in us. When we look to the kingdom of God within our hearts, we can be inspired to maintain righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit from within our hearts and minds. This is where the character of Christ can manifest. It is the ability to overcome and not succumb to some deception of being a victim in some way. The character that is meant to manifest is the character of being a son or daughter of God. It is the character of being a member of the family of God. It is the testimony of our commitment, a testimony of love. It is a commitment to identify with another, a commitment to recognize that the testimony of our lives is meant to be part of a family inheritance. It is a commitment to the family purpose and destiny in being victorious over every principality, power, throne, dominion, and name that seeks to destroy our path in Christ. When we are shaken in our place of standing, we need a revelation of being family or our false perceptions will inspire us to look for family in some other way. We will likely end up in a place of seeing ourselves as victims and will end up repeating the process again and again in our journey of life.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

Posted in #graceculture, #newcovenant, #peopleofGod | Comments Off on Commitment

Members For One Another

Blog in Audio:


Today I am in Wales after a great weekend in Clay Cross, England. We had a great time on Saturday activating the prophetic nature and power of Holy Spirit with a group of hungry adults. Sunday, we experienced a great turn out in church and people were ready to receive teaching on being the house of God’s presence in all things. God is doing good things in England, as in the many nations of the world. Increase human experience with you Holy Spirit!

The community of God is an expression of the family of God. In any expression of the family of God there are various roles, functions, and responsibilities. As a community of Christ, we support and value the function of one another, but each and every function fulfills a different role in the corporate testimony of a Christ centered community. The family of God includes, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, and other expressions of community. It is a place of divine calling and placement for a God-ordained purpose in the earth. That purpose is one of being fruitful, multiplying, filling, subduing, and exercising dominion. These are not characteristics of a solitary gifting, but testimonies of a corporate expression of life for the glory of God the Father of us all. The corporate authority of the family is a full testimony of the individual authorities working together as one. There are various roles of authority because there are various roles of responsibility. The ultimate responsibility is that of a being a family that can produce families, but for this to happen there must be a healthy testimony of fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, friends, neighbors and other community expressions working together as one. Each member has an authority and an anointing to fulfill that authority. Anointing doesn’t equal authority, but proper authority will give a life-giving grace to anointing. Without proper authority mere anointing becomes a weapon that creates dysfunction and death towards other members of the community. This is why the devil and his hosts of wickedness seek to deceive family members by twisting their value of anointing as something more valuable than proper relationship. Proper relationship with one another is discovered in knowing who one another are in the bigger picture of us together. We can only receive from, and give to one another, to the degree we recognize who one another are in the family. The glue of being the family of God is not just love, it is love for each and every family member for who and what they are in the family. We love the personality of each one, but we also embrace the authority of each one for who they are in the family. My dad and mom have long gone to heaven, but while they were alive on earth, I loved them because they were my dad and mom. Knowing what they were in my family helped me get a revelation of who they were. They weren’t just my friends. They were my dad and mom. We don’t just see one another as individuals in the family, we see the individuals together as expressions of the family. Without the individuals something is missing in the corporate calling, inheritance, and destiny of the family. Without a revelation of the various roles of members in the family there is a danger of misunderstanding love when it is given. My role as a father to my children is different than my role as a brother to my brother. If a son sees a father as a brother, they will misunderstand the words of their father when he speaks. It doesn’t matter what he says, they will filter his words through a process of equality of authority. This will always open the door for deception and a destruction in the family.

We are God’s children, God’s family; and He joins us for His calling, His testimony and His purpose. To fulfill our individual role in this journey, and to see the corporate testimony of the family fulfilled in the journey, requires various levels in our relationship with one another. These relationships begin with our commitment one to another. Each of us must demonstrate a commitment to one another and to the corporate journey of the family. The power of true commitment is found in a revelation of love, but without a revelation of who each community member is, there cannot be a true revelation of what love looks like.

Our commitment to God is only as good as our revelation of His love for us. When we know His love, we are supernaturally motivated to love God from within our hearts. That revelation is not just based upon the fact that He is good, it is also based upon the fact that He is God in the form of a Father, a savior, a deliverer, a healer, a creator, a counselor, a giver of life and a transformer of all things. The same is true in relationships with one another in the family of God. When we know the power of love in our hearts, we become supernaturally empowered to love one another from within. Knowing the power of love is also based upon knowing each member’s role in the family. Knowing who they are in the family empowers us to hear them for our corporate destiny.


Ted J. Hanson

Thank you to all who give their support in prayer and finances. We are reaching the nations with New Covenant Life and Grace!

If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Donations are payable to House of Bread Ministry. You can donate at the link on this page or mail your contribution to:

House of Bread Ministry, 3210 Meridian St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Thank You So Much – Ted J. Hanson

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