Today I am heading home after a weekend in Deming, New Mexico. It was a good weekend, although it was filled with hard things and even things that cannot be naturally understood. A young lady in the congregation went to be with the Lord recently and we held a memorial service in honor of who she was and even is in this time in her promotion to heaven. She was a great worshipper of our Father and King and I am sure these things are an even greater reality for her today in heaven. God bless all in Deming who have experienced a great loss and may God give you the grace to fill the void that has been left with an increased life and glory. I pray that the song of Laura Castañeda Barrera will be heard in new ways, new people, and for increased glory in Deming. A seed has been sown, God bless Deming with a 100-fold harvest this year!
I believe that we are in the midst of a grassroots revolution on planet earth. Holy Spirit is calling out a people from the nations to be the people of God. This is a people of God who are not governed by law or mere human conscience. It is a people who are governed by the transforming power of Christ in them. This is the power God resting in their lives, God’s anointing within and upon their lives, and God sending them to the nations and the generations for His purpose and plan. We are part of the calling of Christ, part of the testimony of His inheritance in the earth, and in partnership with Him to see His power prevail over all manner of death and darkness. This is the body of Christ. It is a place of supernatural birth, supernatural grace, and supernatural destiny. It is not a place of natural identity, natural testimony, or natural destiny. It is place of being dependent upon God in all ways and in all things.
On September 24, 2004 I released a prophetic word in regard to a grass roots revolution that was going to sweep the nations. I am sure that God has spoken those words or the essence of those words through many people in the world. I am just one witness to what God is doing in the earth at this time. Since 2004 the term ‘grassroots’ and the evidence of ‘grassroots revolutions’ has been evident in the world and in the church. God is shaking things up and transforming things in the earth at a ‘grass roots’ level. I believe that the present grassroots actions of humanity are both testimonies of what God is doing and counterfeits to what He is doing in the earth.
At the releasing of the prophecy in 2004, the clock on the wall stopped at 7:45 p.m. as well as my watch and two other watches in the congregation. The clock battery was replaced and the following morning the anointing came during the morning worship session and the clock stopped again at 9:45 a.m. as well as my watch and the same two watches in the congregation that stopped the night before quit working again, all on the exact same minute. I believe the stopping of the time was an act of God and very significant to this word. It was also a sign as to eternal expectations and the eternal abilities of God that are not bound to the realm of time. God is always on time in His actions, because He is not governed by our present, our past, or our future. Our past, present, and future is meant to be governed and transformed by Him.
Here is a segment from the word given on September 24,2004:
And the Lord says, I’m exercising My righteous decree to declare to you that the opposition of bondage and promiscuity – that those oppositions shall bow the knee before Me. For I am bringing forth My true Spirit of Liberty, but My true Spirit of Liberty will be a spirit of passion, it will be a spirit of compassion, it will be a spirit without compromise. And there will be a releasing of those who have been held captive to the bondage of legalism, and to the bondage of liberality that goes beyond the boundaries of life. And the Lord says I’m exercising My righteous decree even now to declare “Will you be My people? For My anointing oil is here for you. Will you be My people? Will My anointing oil flood your soul? Will you rise up and touch the nations and make them whole? For I am God and I decree My righteous decree in the land this day.”
I heard God’s Spirit say that promiscuity and legalism come from the same root. Both of these come from the knowledge of good and evil and are mindsets based upon bitterness that is rooted in the realm of time. I believe that the stopping of the time pieces was a prophetic witness to the fact that God intends to deal with the iniquities of our hearts that come from experiences in our past that have now become issues in our lives today and hinder us in moving into all that God has for us tomorrow. He is going to do this in all the earth, north, south, east, and west. Promiscuity and legalism could be defined is legalism and lawlessness – too much law and no law at all. Neither legalism nor promiscuity is a testimony of being the people of God. It is the anointing within us, Christ in us, that is the true testimony of life that brings about a witness of being the people of God. This involves the redemption of our character, nature, way, power, and authority in life. It is a supernatural miracle granted to us by the Spirit of God in and upon our lives. It is the power of the kingdom of heaven at work in our hearts. When our hearts change, our minds change. When our minds change, our lives change. When our lives change, the world around us changes. It is only by the supernatural power of God’s grace.
Ted J. Hanson