Blog In Audio:
Blessings to you all as we continue to move forward into a new season in God. We had a great day yesterday at Alife. Pastor Jonathan gave a great word on finding our identity in Christ. God is the only one who can give us our true identity. That identity is revealed to us by God from within and in Christ we are each a unique son or daughter of God.
Last week I addressed the chastisement of God in our lives. God wants us to manifest as His sons and daughters that we might be givers of His life to our world. This is a season of partnership with God and those who partner with God find Him partnering with them to enable them to manifest who they really are. They are givers of life as their heavenly Father is a giver of life. The test of who we are is seen in the good times but especially in the difficult times of our lives. The difficult things we face in life only prove who we really are. Christ in us is the hope of glory in every circumstance, situation, and season of our lives.
I found a portion of a prophecy I gave some years ago that I feel is very relevant to this present season. Here is some of a prophecy that I gave July 8, 2011:
The Lord says He’s seeking for a Jacob generation that He might turn the Jacob generation into the “inheriting ones”. “And even now, there’s a transition”, says God, “in My Body – and those who have sought to seek and find Me are going to discover that I’m the One Who seeks to find them. And in the place of wrestling, there’s a breakthrough.” For God says, “I’m bringing forth My ‘inheriting one’. I’m bringing forth My Israel. I’m bringing forth My Prince with God. There was a time and there was a season when I sought for those who would be a Jacob generation, but hear the Word of the Lord! Hear the Word of the Lord! Hear the Word of the Lord! This is the day for Me to lay hold of you! This is not the day for you to lay hold of Me! This is the day for Me to lay hold of you – and in Me laying hold of you, it’s time for you to endure! It’s time for you to hold on, and it’s in that place of wrestling that there’s going to come an inheritance – there’s going to come an inheritance!”
There’s a shift in the Spirit. Don’t seek the thing that was before. Seek that which is beyond that which was before. Seek that which is the increase. Seek that which is the ‘more’. For this is not a time to break away. This is a time to stand fast and say, ‘Our God has come! He has laid hold of us, and we will not let go of that which He has laid hold of!’”
If you have been experiencing what you thought was a wrestle with yourself, someone else, your circumstance, or some other thing – God wants you to let Him take hold of you. He is wrestling with you that you may become an inheritor of His name. He wants you to become an inheritor of His grace. When we face the chastisement of our faith, we become empowered to manifest as sons and daughters of God by faith.
In the Movie, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, there is a line in the movie that defines the reason for this discipline in a marvelous way. In the movie, the wicked uncle killed Arthur’s father and mother, and the boy Arthur was raised by prostitutes in a village. He endured handicaps, hardship, poverty, and an environment that required him to overcome many things. Arthur grew up believing he was the son of a prostitute, but something inside of him drove him to be the best he could be in everything. He became the best street fighter, the best at caring for those he loved, the best saver of financial profits, and many other things. He excelled in advancing amid his situation in every area of his life. When he came to the age of being a young man, all the young men in the kingdom were being summoned to attempt to pull the sword, x caliber, from the stone. It had been foretold that whoever could pull the sword would be the rightful heir. The evil uncle wanted to discover who was the heir only so he could kill him. Arthur was brought to the stone among the other young men, and the sword came out from the rock. He was thrown to the ground by the power of the sword and the uncle brought him into his chambers and says, what is it that gives you such drive? Do you know who you are? Arthur says, I am the son of a prostitute. No, you’re not, explained the illegitimate king. You are the heir. We know who you are. We’ve been in your city. We heard of your reputation. We found your treasuries. What is it that gives you your drive? Arthur didn’t answer. All his life, he had a dream about a fire devil. At the end of the movie he had to face the fire devil. He accepted the responsibility of being Arthur. During the fight, he got a revelation that the devil in his visions and dreams was really his evil uncle. He stands and he says, you asked me what gave me my drive? You did; you made me what I am. You finally give reason to the devil.
Each of us are a son or a daughter of God. Something inside of each of us has called out for the greatness of who we are and none of us are illegitimate children. Even if we were naturally illegitimate by birth, we were all called to be sons and daughters of the King. We must go through chastening; we must go through difficulty. It is the difficulty that inspires us to manifest who we are. Amid the challenges of life, the testimony of Christ in us is the hope of glory. It is the hope of manifesting as true sons and daughters of God, and it comes by the chastening of God in our lives. The test of our partnership with God is seen in our ability to seek Him in the difficult and the good times of our lives.
Ted J. Hanson
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3210 Meridian St.
Bellingham, WA 98225-1728