Blog In Audio:
I have had an amazing weekend at CitiLife Church in Deming, New Mexico. God was faithful to reveal His presence and release His life-giving words in a wonderful testimony of His love. There are many things I could write on today, but I feel I must first continue with what I began last week.
Last week I did a summary of the past ten years to this new season that God has put before us. I believe that this new season is a season of greater partnership with God and with one another for His purpose and will in our world. We must first partner with Him to allow Him to partner with us. We must experience His partnership with us to be able to partner with one another.
The partnership that God is calling us into is a partnership of intimacy with Him in Christ that empowers us to manifest the character, nature, way, power, and authority of sons and daughters of God. This season is a furtherance of what has been, but it is not an independent journey.
I saw many testimonies of PREVAILING and UNEXPECTED GLORY last year in the lives of people and churches I have been holding in prayer before God. There are some I was believing for that are still facing challenges. I haven’t yet seen the PREVAILING and UNEXPECTED GLORY that I had hoped for. I like to do a bit of hunting and God uses my time in the forest as a time of personal connection and instruction. My hunting experiences are often prophetic in the sense of revealing and releasing something that is significant for the body of Christ. I believe my story this year is significant.
I had hoped to be successful this year on an elk hunt. It has been a few years since I have reaped a harvest. In the area I went to hunt there seemed to be little evidence of any glory in prevailing on the hunt. On the second day I was surprised with a huge bull plunging from an area of swamp in front of me. He was running full on, and I had to take my shot with an open-sight powder gun while this bull was charging away. As the smoke of my powder gun was clearing, it seemed that this bull had a falter in its run. I felt that I must have hit it. It turned and entered into the edge of the swamp that it had emerged from. The sun was now setting, and darkness was closing in rapidly. There was no chance of knowing the outcome at that moment. The temperature was well below freezing so I knew I could still retrieve my harvest in the morning. Had I been successful, or had I missed my shot?
I was sleeping in the back of my truck, and I decided to stay for another two days if necessary to either retrieve my harvest or get a chance at a redo if I had missed my shot. As I was going to sleep that night, I had an honest conversation with God. I said, God, I hear You very well for others. I hear You regarding Your church. I hear You in many areas, but in the area of hunting, I haven’t been successful on elk in several years. I question whether I hear You clearly or not. I then heard Him say, “you got it”.
I began to plan my strategy for the morning. I would find the trail that this bull elk had entered and follow the evidence of the shot. It would be cold, wet, with a long day for an old man like me, but it would be a great story with a PREVAILING and an UNEXPECTED GLORY. In the morning I went to find the trail that would prove I had hit this bull, but when I entered the swamp, I could find no such evidence. I decided to not put pressure on this animal and simply hope I had missed him and that I would have another opportunity that evening or the next. My posture was that God said, “I’ve got it”. I began to confess, “I got this”. No bull came from that swamp in those next two day. I thought of entering the swamp to do a search, even hearing coyotes that were obviously on something, but I chose to wait in my usual setup for a chance at a redo on the shot confessing, “I got this”.
On the last day of the year, I was in another territory on a final hunt, and I was questioning God about my unsuccessful venture with the huge bull earlier in the season. The greater burden on my heart was concerning some individuals that I have been praying for that had not yet seen a PREVAILING with an UNEXPECTED GLORY. I felt my hunt was prophetically connected to these. As I questioned God, His response to me was to ask me what He had said to me regarding the bull I had hoped to harvest. I had to answer that He had said, “you got it”. God then said to me, “What makes you think you didn’t get it? You didn’t go down the new path. How many things are there that you are praying about that did PREVAIL with an UNEXPECTED GLORY, but you didn’t choose to take the path to see it.” I realized that my word at the beginning of the year was. PREVAIL – UNEXPECTED GLORY – new pathways – CHOOSE THE PATH. I had missed that last phrase of His words to me at the beginning of the year – CHOOSE THE PATH.
If we are looking in old ways with old expectations, we will miss the present PREVAILING and GLORY. There are new pathways, but we must CHOOSE to enter them to see the glory we haven’t seen before. This is a new season of PARTNERSHIP with God, and we must choose to partner with Him to enter into the prevailing testimony that leads to His-story in our lives. This new season is connected to His words and promises to us in the past.
Ted J. Hanson
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3210 Meridian St.
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