Blog In Audio:
I hope you are all well. Bonnie and I were blessed to be a part of dedicating our granddaughter and grandson to God at Alife yesterday. God spoke good words over them. I was also privileged to speak yesterday. It was a wonderful day, and I am stepping forward into this new year.
God is doing something new in the earth. This is a new season, and we must choose to enter into it. We must embrace new ways to enter what God is doing now. God is writing His-story and as sons and daughters of God we are being invited to enter into what He is doing for His glory. We must choose His presence over our own performance. When we do, we will be seen as a community of God’s love and grace. We will be the family of God revealing His manifest presence as a light to our world. We will be a city on a hill.
A couple of weeks ago God spoke the word PARTNERSHIP to me. He followed that word with the phrase, ‘Enter the New’. He then spoke the phrase, “For the joy that was before.” In these first days of 2025, God has been explaining this partnership and its connection to Gods’ words to us in the past and His call to enter into the new. He challenged me to look at the words that He has spoken to me for the body of Christ in the last ten years. This is a summary of those words:
In 2015 God gave me a word to be EXPECTANT. He said that we must be Expectant for Greater Expectations, Unexpected Expectations, and New Expectations. We were to be careful not to let our preconceived ideas and personal expectations rob us of our expectancy of what He will do. There is a difference between being expectant and having expectations. God’s direction in our lives takes us into things we cannot think of without Him.
The word for 2016 was to Embrace a JUSTICE OF LOVE. Can we make decisions for others based upon who we are and not upon what they deserve, or we think they deserve? We weren’t born to be right; we were born to be loved. This is the testimony of the kingdom of God within us. This is the Justice of God’s love, and it is greater than a justice system of law. It is more powerful than simply seeking to be right.
The word for 2017 was to Invite God to visit the ROOTS. God’s character is to be forgiving, merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abounding in goodness, abounding in truth, and one of keeping mercy for anyone, and everyone, forever. He doesn’t merely sweep our flaws under the rug; He visits our family line and heals our flaws. He forgives us of our iniquities, transgressions, and sin. Iniquity is our character flaw that makes us vulnerable to transgression in our hearts, resulting in sin – a disconnection from God who is our life. God is healing the flaws of our hearts.
In 2018 we were to expect new Shoots and Fruits. These shoots and fruits were a testimony made possible because we have allowed God to deal with roots of our hearts. God wants us to: Receive Life – Be Life – and Give Life to our world. These are not the fruit of our way but the fruit that comes because we have allowed God to be our Father to us in the soil of our hearts.
The year of 2019 was a year to NAVIGATE the path of God by a revelation of God’s Love. We were to embrace the path of Sons and Daughters of God. This included receiving the instruction of God in our lives. It included a willingness to receive His correction and direction in our lives. This was a furtherance of knowing God as our Father. To live as His sons and daughters we must embrace His discipline (Pr. 23:12-25) and we must find the path that leads to our destiny in Christ. This means to be taught His ways, to walk in His paths, to become a place of His presence in our world, and to become a place of His life-giving community in our world (Isa. 2:2-3).
At the beginning of 2020 God told me that it would be a time of knowing God resting in our lives. We must be a place where God RESTS so we can REST in Him. God doesn’t rest because He is tired. He rests because He is very pleased. Though 2020 seemed like a time where the world stopped, it was really a time to find God’s presence resting in our lives because He is pleased with who we are.
The following year, 2021, was a time to know God as the ROCK and Be RENEWED in the courage of the Lord, the holiness of the Lord, and your faith in God. This was a season to personally know the unshakeable love of God. It was not a season of fruit, but a season of leaves. Leaves are for the healing of the nations (Ezek. 47:12; Rev. 22:1, 2). They are medicine to the world. Leaves are the individual testimonies of our lives. Leaves are a testimony of a new beginning – new life – a new thing – and a new season.
In 2022 God spoke to me that it would be a year of PEACE. This is not the peace of the word, but the celebration of being one with God on good days and on bad. It was a time to experience His multiplied PEACE and a celebration of communion with God and one another. The high point of this year was to know God as your Friend. He had been revealing to us that He is our Father and not merely a powerful God, but His way was that of a friend in our lives. He invites us to be His friend as He is ours.
In 2023 God said to light the lamps of the Holy Spirit in our lives and experience NEW STRENGTH. The fire of God would give us fresh appointments. It was a year of Hurdles to reveal God’s strength in our lives in new ways. It was filled with unexpected turns that were opportunities to see the goodness of God’s love in our lives. The sound of God is that He is great, He is good, and His mercy endures forever. His love in our lives empowers us to act in faith when faced with the hurdles of life. We can act and not react. The fire of the Holy spirit in our lives empowers us to know God’s love, to love God, to respond to God with heavenly testimonies, to give life to others, to be life for others so we can grow in knowing who we are in Him. His fire enables us to know and be a part of His family. and to live for His purpose and destiny in partnership with Him in all things.
This past year of 2024 was a year to prevail. It was a time to choose new pathways to experience His unexpected Glory and PREVAIL. I will address this further in my next blog. God is speaking things for this new year, but our present year of 2025 is connected to some unknown victories of where we have been. It is time to enter the new, but the new is a furtherance of what has been.
Ted J. Hanson
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Our Ministry Information Is:
House of Bread Ministry
3210 Meridian St.
Bellingham, WA 98225-1728