A Year to Prevail

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I hope you are all well. I have enjoyed a few days home. I start another long stretch of travel this Thursday. I will be in the Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Portugal. I am expecting to see God’s amazing grace and increased measures of His glory in this new year. Things that have been sown of righteousness will reap a harvest of righteousness in the days ahead. Things of light will prove to be more powerful than anything of darkness. Things of redemption, healing, life, and love will prevail.

This is a word that was given by Ted J. Hanson in Deming, New Mexico on February 18, 2024.

A significant word for 2024 is the word prevail.  I heard that very clear at the end of last year that 2024 was going to be a year of prevailing – to prevail. And then, God kind of gave me a definition of that: Sometimes we think of the “prevailing winds” – the “prevailing winds” take us in a particular direction like weather patterns are determined by what’s the “prevailing winds”, what’s the prevailing circumstances, what’s the prevailing situation. 

I heard God say that the prevailing winds of the past, the prevailing things of the past are going to be overcome by the prevailing winds of God’s purpose and will in the present.  Watch and see, be awake and expect it, because I’m moving by My Spirit in the generations and even in America, I’m waking up the young. I’m going to put My grace and My mantle upon the heads of children and you’re going to see in America the young and the youth wake up.

There’s a fresh move of My Spirit and I’m even going to cause you to be young in your heart like never before.  I’m going to cause you to see things you couldn’t see before because I’m turning your heads to be in the direction of My head. I’m turning that by turning your heart to see what’s in My heart. This is a year of unexpected glory – unexpected glory. 

This is a season where you’re going to see new pathways. New pathways will be revealed through open doors. God is opening doors for you as an effective ministry, as an effective arm, of the love of God. And as God opens doors, you’re going to recognize the doors that are God because they are always surrounded and covered by the testimony of love. So, the open pathways before you, you know this is the path. Why? It’s filled with love. It’s filled with life. So, choose the path of life. Any path in front of you this year that doesn’t look like life, is not the path. So, choose the pathway of life.

And I also hear God saying that this year there’s going to be clear focus. You will see what God sees when you look in the direction that God is looking. You’ll see what God sees when you look in the direction that God is looking. When what you’re looking at doesn’t look like God, it means you’re looking in the wrong direction. You will see what God sees when you look in the direction that God looks. Now, that’s not necessarily a geographical or a physical shift. It’s a looking differently at what you’re looking at. Do you see the hope of the glory of God, or do you see the strength of an enemy? There is no enemy that is stronger than God.

Sometimes we think of God as being the one who reveals Himself in love and in power but perhaps it is better to view Him as our heavenly Father who loves us in a supernaturally powerful way. I believe this is a year to know God in His powerful love. Our heavenly Father loves us, and His eternal Word became Jesus the testimony of His love to mankind. He is present in our lives by His Holy Spirit to reveal His love to us every day in a powerful, life-transforming way. It is by His powerful love that we will prevail and experience unexpected glory in our lives. I believe that this is a year to know God in an intimate and powerful way. When we know Him, we can know His heart and we can see what He sees. We can experience the testimony of His kingdom and His will in our season of today.


Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4you

Ted J. Hanson is the author of several Christian books intended to equip and raise up strong believers in Christ. He leads a training school known as Christ Life Training (www.christlifetraining.com) and ministers globally through House of Bread Ministry (www.houseofbreadministry.org). Ted travels to various places throughout the U.S. as well as other countries. He is a dynamic preacher/teacher who has a heart to share, uncompromisingly, the Word of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He holds a bachelor of theology and masters of biblical studies through Christian International Ministries Network and is ordained through Abundant Life Ministries and House of Bread Ministry. He has served to plant and establish many ministries.
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Bruce Wijnen
Bruce Wijnen
1 year ago

This is a great and encouragingWord, Ted! Thank you! Blessings from Ede