Blog In Audio:
I am now back at my home in America. I had a very fruitful journey out across the big pond, but now it is time to focus on the home front and get some things done. I have been editing videos, preparing teachings, and gearing up for the season ahead of me. I also hope to reap some rewards in the venison and elk department, but they don’t sell those in the store. It is time to seek the forest for some just rewards (ha, ha).
We are in a season of knowing God as our Father and ourselves as His children. The testimony of a son of God (male or female) is to be led by the Spirit of God in all things. The term son is a term of inheritance, not a term for gender identity.
Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.
What does it mean to be led by the Spirit of God? We often think that God telling us what to do is the criteria for being led by His Spirit, but I believe it is more about knowing who we are. If we are merely told what to do, we only know what it means to be a servant of God. God doesn’t want servants; He wants sons and daughters that willingly choose to serve for the glory of His name. When we know who God is and we know who we are we live our lives differently than those in the world. The ways of the world can be seen in the lawlessness of human culture or in the legalistic bondage of those bound to some form of religion. Holy Spirit is a sevenfold Spirit. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Might, the Spirit of Knowing, and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord (Isa. 11:2). Holy Spirit is not interested in merely informing us as to what to do in life. He desires to empower our hearts and minds from within to live in passionate, creative, and expressive ways. These are attributes of our Father God. To be led by the Spirit of God is to be led by a different desire. This is the power of a Lord. The desire of our hearts empowers the thinking, reasoning, imagination, emotions, and desires of our souls. A life-giving desire from within us empowers us to be life-giving in our thinking and in our doing in life. We receive a different wisdom that empowers the actions of our lives to be actions that are motivated by love. They are not actions that are reactions to the world around us. They are actions inspired by faith towards God that create a different result in the world or our influence. Our faith is motivated by a revelation of God’s love. The responses of our lives are not responses to the submersions of a bitter world. They are responses to a Holy Father that gives us a different testimony than those in the world. Our hearts are fed by a ‘what is it’ not by an understanding dependent upon knowing what it is by earthly standards. The mystery of a fresh internal word of God to our hearts gives us a fresh and increasing change in the testimony of our names. Our character, nature, way, power, and authority are becoming visible to the world around us. Our understanding comes from heavenly realities within our hearts and not by the understandings of our world. Our ability to give life to our world is because we are discovering our true identity, testimony, and purpose as sons or daughters of God. This is the counsel by which we live. We are givers of life to our world. We make a great us when we forsake who we are not. We are joined to life. Therefore, we give life to those we are divinely joined to in life. Our power is that of the resurrection might of Christ. We are clothed in the works of Christ, and we wake others up to the manifest presence of God because we are increasingly awake to who He is. The knowledge of our lives is not a knowledge of information, but a growing knowledge of intimacy with God as our Father and we as part of a growing family of God. Old things are stripped away as we experience the now present community of God in our lives. It is multigenerational in its purpose and bears the fruit of community for the generations to come. We are led by an awe of who God is in all things. We are empowered to reign in all things because we know the blessings of a partnership with God as our Father, Jesus His Son, and Holy Spirit as our Helper in all things. It is for the zeal of God’s house that we live! We are sons and daughters of God and we are led by His Spirit in all things.
Ted J. Hanson
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Our Ministry Information Is:
House of Bread Ministry
3210 Meridian St.
Bellingham, WA 98225-1728